Do you have one of these in your kitchen? We call ours the 'drawer of doom' lol. If anyone can't find something, guarenteed its in the drawer of doom. This drawer is so full of shit its untrue. All stuff that is completly useless, never used yet i can't throw it away incase its needed at a later date. It has things in it like, Elvis sungigs, a selecion of daft pipes, old mobile phones, sticky boiled sweets, hairbrushes full of manky hair, darts, and to make matters worse- i chucked some body bronzing perals which have expolded and turned to glitter dust. So everything is the drawer of doom is gold and sparkly, as well as being uselss yet indespensable! I hate it when i can't find my car keys and i am forced to rummage in it- i swear i got bit by something last time i dared stick a hand in.
Anyone else got one of these junk drawers? Whats in it then?
Anyone else got one of these junk drawers? Whats in it then?