Last Day Of Skool Eva!!!

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Active member
Jul 9, 2002
Yeah, it was the day after our leaving do. We all sat in the hall for most of the day and looked at random slides and vids of all the school trips. Was a good day.

Then everyone was off getting shirts signed. I remember the school had banned people from writing on shirts and I got caught off Mrs Tabbiner (buiness studies teacher at Parklands) and I told her it was my shirt, and if I wanted my mate to write on it then I would. Silly cow, lol

It's funny though when you get a bit older, you look back (well I do anyhow) and realize how much of a laugh school actually was, even though it might not have seemed it at the time. And even all the crap, that you though was pointless, that you were made to learn will come in handy one day.

So have a ball on your last day amd make the most of it! It's true what people say that school days are the best days of your life! :) :thumbsup:


Aug 5, 2004
Um bad or not maybe but me and about 5 other friends skived off last day, went to the pub and played pool and then had a good smoke later that afternoon :$

Miss C

New member
May 18, 2003
New York
Make sure u have a good day and run havoc, cos it's one day ull never forget!!

Don't be sad tho, school days are'nt really the best, uni is even better!!
Have a wicked day :D


New member
Feb 7, 2003
On Ilkley moor without a hat
I remember my last day like it was yesterday (it was in the '80s :eek: :$ )

My mam came home from work and I was having a fire in the back garden
I was burning all my books! "what about college" she said
"f*ck that I wanna earn some money!" I replied and haven't looked back :thumbsup:

I went to school and got on with it but I was glad to leave :D

These people who go to college/uni/year out etc then moan at 25+ when they have a big debt and are working in a call centre with a degree do my box in.They think the world owes them a livin' :mad:

The folk who are leaving school now have it easy(ish) there's loads of jobs out there but they think they're too good for sweeping up making tea etc. thats life you must start at the bottom :(

Sorry about going off topic I think I've just burst a blood vessel :mad: :mad: :$

Rant over..... (waits for the students backlash ;) )

God I'm sounding more like me dad everyday - shit now that wouldbe a valuable lesson in school.
Today I've got double "How not to turn into a miserable old bastard" :p


Active member
Apr 20, 2003
Yeah i remember my last day at school, we also sat in the hall looking at slides and videos of past events and there were funny poems being read by the teachers, one included me going out with some lad when i was 14 and they couldn't believe it coz he wasn't an oil painting , lol! It was rather embarrising really. :D It was quite an emotional day when i think about it, i haven't seen some of those peeps for 9 years now! School was ace, apart from the homework and exams, it was great to see all ya mates all day and have a laugh. :thumbsup:

I went to college straight after school but only for 3 months, i decided i wanted to earn myself some money and not relay on my dads handouts. However im going back to college in september as a mature student :eek: , and i'm so looking forward to it as i've done nothing for a few years now and im quite excited about learning again. :)
awww well it was dead sad yesterday!! we had like a presentation fing with loadza fotos from over the years (loadza embarrasin 1s of me :$ ), sum vids about wot our memories were (me again lol) then we all had to go up n sign a massive cross n wen i dun that i just looked at all my mates, n coz they were cryin i started!!! i was the 1 sayin "nah i wont cry!!" well even the lads were cryin!! bless!! i was glad 2 leave but ill miss all my mates!! we all got given a little pryer card with a cross badge on it. our head of year started cryin aswell!! well im just lookin for jobs now :|


New member
Nov 6, 2002
Doylie said:
do u remember ur last day of skool?

Yeah, I burnt it down :eyebrow:

Nah, we sat on the park drinkin sky rider, come to think of was no different than any other day in the last couple of years before then (well apart from not having to avoid the wag officer)

li'l Sonz

New member
Apr 27, 2005
I loved school and our last day was mint. The leavers assembly-a group of lads strippin doin the full monty and loads people doin performances and stuff. We had a foam fight on the field after that. Everyone gets loads of cans of shaving foam and goes mad...... we were covered after that. My best mate split her lip and didn't want to go to the prom.

Oh, and the prom...... my dress was farkin ace! I went with one of my best lad mates and my boyfriend at the time had told me not to but we still went anyway (rebel lol) and got a limo and got dead pissed! lol I loved school when I was there and was so gutted to leave!:(


Active member
Sep 2, 2003
Dysfunction Junction
Oh, and the prom...... my dress was farkin ace! (

seen loads of mentions of proms these days, when did these start taking off ? Because there was definitely nothing like that when I was at school

i cant really remember the last day, aside from obviously skipping all the lessons..yeah right as if anyones gonna go / do anything if they do :rolleyes: lol
a long long time ago :D

I loved school, absolutely cracking fun with your mates, was gutted when it all came to an end :cry:


New member
oh yes
back in 1988 was when I left, Top last day that. ( just clocked bloody 18 years ago :S )
I had to do a commissioned graffitti muriel on the 1st floor hallway of Holte school so was out of classes all day :thumbsup: ended up spraying everyones shirts instead of signing them with pen :cool:

got told off for painting a lady in skimpy mini skirt so had to paint her dress longer !!! also got told off because I painted a white lady and they said the asian pupils would find it offensive ?????? :fekked: :crazy: :moonie: lol