Lets hear some noise for jo jo!

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New member
Sep 6, 2003
Hello to our newest member jo jo!

Come in come in- welcome to osa, be carefull though its a tad adictive!

Tell us a little bit about yourself:)


Jo Jo

New member
Nov 10, 2003
At last, av finally managed to suss this site out.....been promising Butty I'd logg on for ages now so here I am...

Known Butty for 10 years + now.... hang out at his house some weekends and keep promising to go to his gigs.

Used to go to Maximes but not been since NY 2000....What a nite. Deffo the best I ever went to....then again, I've never seen Butty on the decks there....maybe soon..

Hi to everyone who remembers me and to those who I don't know - Hello.


Active member
Jo Jo said:
At last, av finally managed to suss this site out.....been promising Butty I'd logg on for ages now so here I am...

Known Butty for 10 years + now.... hang out at his house some weekends and keep promising to go to his gigs.

Used to go to Maximes but not been since NY 2000....What a nite. Deffo the best I ever went to....then again, I've never seen Butty on the decks there....maybe soon..

Hi to everyone who remembers me and to those who I don't know - Hello.

easy jo-jo long time no see.
god how funny was NYE and me drivin your car home and stoppin to try and wee every 50 yards till we got on the motorway :$
and who remebers orville lololol

good to hear from ya again - willcatch up with ya soon chick no doubt


Staff member
Jul 15, 2001
eh up jo good to see ya made it on :)

see that vinyl search box top of the page up there ^^ thats what i was on about drunk on friday that we sell the vinyl through!

as for new year at maximes il post this piccie it says it all lol

heres a much younger jo jo butty and coyle (altho we all still look the same lol) for those that r wonderin who it is


  • 8.jpg
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Jo Jo

New member
Nov 10, 2003
I can't believe you've put that picture on your website Butty!! Wait till I get hold of you.......your a dead man walking....you know I'm not very photo-genic.......especially at Maximes!!

To Everyone else:
Let me explain........this picture was taken without my knowledge cos my head had been sneakily invaded by Butty, Woody and Coyle who thought it'd be funny to give Jo Jo her first sweetie.....
that picture is the result!!

Needless to say, at the time I thought I looked well fit (my how they mess wiv your head) but looking back I can see why nobody ever agreed!!! :S

I have since removed that fashionable fringe and have gone for the more 'controlled' look.

Butty I hate your guts.

Love your old best friend

Jo Jo
p.s No doubt Sal Sal had something to do with this so I'm off to find my photo album and get you all back.

p.p.s can someone tell me how to get pics on here????
