Greg do you think these cheaper decks will still be working 10 - 25 odd yrs later, has in your Denons and other models?
I personally dont think they will stand the test of time like the early Technics have done, I'm not saying they are perfect, but they are bloody solid, hence why they hold there price...
I would also say, it does not matter what you have to mix on, its about finding your skills on what you have & how you master what you have to work with, and I have seen people mix really well on beltdrives in the past...
Im not saying these new ones are total crap etc, but I dont think they will have the longevity like the early technics have, imo I dont think the build quality on any of these new decks will come anywhere close to the old stuff..
For expample your a painter, you could do a really good job with a cheap brush, because thats your trade, but how long will that cheap brush last ....
Sometimes cheap is false economy