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New member
Sep 6, 2003
Lol one of my new yeasr rezzy's was to write more lists.

What i mean by this is a way of getting more organised. I write a list of the days jobs, cross the ones i have done off then the next day carry over any unfinished ones. I also have long term lists, shite like paint a piece of furniture, do garden and that kinda shiznit.

We badly needed more organisation in our house. Trying to locate all the docs to get car tax was a full days work, i even had to pay for a duplicate MOT. I dream of a life where i know where everything is, and instead of going into the bill drawer and finding three used batteries, a bottle of tom sauce and a random phone charger i actuallt find the birth cert or summat i am looking for.

I am slowly but surely getting there- all thanks to the lists. Anyone else a fan of lists or am i just being weird?


Active member
Apr 20, 2003
and instead of going into the bill drawer and finding three used batteries, a bottle of tom sauce and a random phone charger i actuallt find the birth cert or summat i am looking for.

Sounds like my drawers them, except the sauce. Ive been thinkin about sorting my drawers out for years, never got round to doing it though, i really cannot be arsed sifting through years worth of papers/bills etc. :sleep:

Northern Star

Staff member
May 10, 2004
On Cloud 9!!!
Yep lists are good hun! although mine never happen!

i have lists of important things to do and lists of good things to do but its the things that happen in the mean time that displace things from happening ;)

you two have been on my list of peeps to see for the past few months now - need to return stuff you kindly loaned to me :thumbsup:

my lists just keep getting longer and longer and more unmanageable by the day so i really to give myself a kick up the jacksie to get cracking! house repairs sale and move being priority :(


May 23, 2003
Lol one of my new yeasr rezzy's was to write more lists.

What i mean by this is a way of getting more organised. I write a list of the days jobs, cross the ones i have done off then the next day carry over any unfinished ones. I also have long term lists, shite like paint a piece of furniture, do garden and that kinda shiznit.

We badly needed more organisation in our house. Trying to locate all the docs to get car tax was a full days work, i even had to pay for a duplicate MOT. I dream of a life where i know where everything is, and instead of going into the bill drawer and finding three used batteries, a bottle of tom sauce and a random phone charger i actuallt find the birth cert or summat i am looking for.

I am slowly but surely getting there- all thanks to the lists. Anyone else a fan of lists or am i just being weird?
If you want to get organised and are a fan of lists already, you won't do a lot better than follow the advice in this book:
Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-free Productivity

I hate self help books with a passion, but having read this, my life is far more organised and I do know where all my important docs are.


betty spaghetti

New member
Nov 21, 2006
I am slowly but surely getting there- all thanks to the lists. Anyone else a fan of lists or am i just being weird?

No not at all wierd i write weekly lists wen its pay day so i know whos getting what an wat i have left to spend, i write to do lists but they rarely get done! my boyfriend on the otherhand he has lists for EVERYTHING! he has a set of drawers in his bedroom that is full of lists, granted they are full of vinyl details but there is LOADS, seriously loads of trees have suffered because of this lol-he also writes a list of things to do today, if he needs to ask someone a question he will write it down. he will do a list for a list if you know wat i mean... dont get me started on how many post it notes i find with his scrawlings all over!!! bless him. just another 1 of those quirky things about him that makes me love him :love:


Active member
Oct 5, 2004
im like herpes....never quite fcuk hoff!!!
lists are shit!!

i can write a list if things that need doing at home n in work etc.... but wether i follow them is a diffo matter!!

on payday i write a list of the bills i need to pay etc.... get to the post office and do completley the opposite or even by pass the posty for the hoe shop:condom:

so imo, lists are shit!!!


New member
Sep 6, 2003
on payday i write a list of the bills i need to pay etc.... get to the post office and do completley the opposite or even by pass the posty for the hoe shop:condom:

Lol are the hoe's you get on payday to pimp out or for personal use:gigolo:
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Active member
Mar 21, 2005
I usually make a list for the things to pack for my hols, but apart from that just things that need doing urgently;)

li'l Sonz

New member
Apr 27, 2005
I love lists. Mental ones and the ones you have on pieces of paper. I write shopping lists for all the stuff I need to get for people's hair etc and for pretty much everything.

I like to be organised, that's just the way I am. Although I have made a concerted effort to try and be more laid back and spontanious. It doesn't always work, mind. Old habits and all that......

I also get frustrated when I've organised myself and then it becomes un-organised. It's like "now I gota sort everything out again!" grrrrr......

Any hoo, like I said, lists are mint although I'm sure it's mostly gona be female members of the board that think so! :D
