lol check this email i jus got..

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Staff member
Jul 15, 2001
I am Tony Fred Williams I am 14 years old I live in Manchester(UK) before my father die, now I live with my mother in Scotland. my father is from Manchester
(UK) and my mother is from Scotland. my late father Mr. Fred Williams was a Contractor in Manchester(UK) before he die in a car accident last years July 25th 2005. he left £50Million (Fifty Million Pounds) in his account before he die. The £50Million is in (First Union National Bank UK) I have been trying to collect the money from (First Union National Bank UK) but the MD CEO told me to go and look for some body that is honest and old enough to help me collect the money.

I could have tell my mother to assist me to collect the £50Million for me but my mother and father has devoured before my father die and my father told me to not have anything to do with my mother I don?t even want her to know because what my father told me before he die was true, now that I stay with my mother in Scotland she don?t even have time for me all she do is to take hard drugs and to bring men to the house and she also hit me all the time.

I don?t want to have anything to do with her, I just want some body that is old enough and honest to help me collect the £50Million from the bank as I am too young to take care of £50Million. Please I need your help if you can assist me to collect the £50Million from the bank I will give you 40% and take 60%. I have all documentation on my name you can confirm from the bank. i am the indeed benefited Next of Kin to my late father Mr. Fred Williams. The MD CEO (First Union National Bank UK) told me to look for some body that is honest and old enough so that he can send the £50Million to the person account immediately.

If you can help me i will contact the MD CEO (First Union National Bank UK) and tell him that i have found a honest person who want to help me collect the £50Million. so when you contact him he will know i sent you.

I will give you is contact so that you can contact him to enable him send the £50Million to your provided account immediately Please help me. I will be waiting for your urgent reply so i can give you the contact of the bank and send you the last statement of account of my late father and i will also send you my picture and my birth certificate. Please Help me reply back on my private email: so i can send you all information you need.

Best Regards
Tony Fred Williams

i know its lying coz if everyone in manc chucked all there wonga in a pot it still wouldnt be 50 mill :D


Active member
Mar 10, 2004
Awww.....bless him.

His father was eaten, and his mother "take hard drugs, bring men round the house and beat me."

Give the kid a break and dig deep people.......

(Yes, I am a sarky bastard aren't I?):D
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Active member
Oct 12, 2001
This is real people !!!

He's from Moldavia and has only lived here for 4 years. I'm helping him out because 40% of 50 Mil is.... kerching !!!

Its a bit of a pain because I have to open an high interest account so that i can get the money transferred to me, I had to deposit 250 squid in the account but it should be kewl. Just waiting at the moment because there's some issue with transfer fee's but i will let you know as I get on.


Joker Jen

Active member
VIP Gold Member
Oct 8, 2001
Secret Location in Gotham City
fugjostle said:
This is real people !!!

He's from Moldavia and has only lived here for 4 years. I'm helping him out because 40% of 50 Mil is.... kerching !!!

Its a bit of a pain because I have to open an high interest account so that i can get the money transferred to me, I had to deposit 250 squid in the account but it should be kewl. Just waiting at the moment because there's some issue with transfer fee's but i will let you know as I get on.


awwwwww buggar u beat me to it :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:


Active member
Mar 21, 2005
Well it certainly beats winning a holiday with GMTV, by answering one of those difficult questions lol:p

li'l Sonz

New member
Apr 27, 2005
Butty, u say i'm pedantic about spelling and grammar but this is just awful!!! :confused: Could you not tell by the spelling babe?? :cops: :cops:

This dude certainly aint English and he's certainly not a young boy!!!

I read about this in a book once (sully read it too) it's called gangs. Basically theres this chapter on internet/computer fraud or somet (or it could just be fraud! lol) and it was sayin how people from nigeria etc try and con sums of money out of people via e-mails such as this one by promising big cash sums if they help out!! AS IF!!!!! :mad: I remember thinkin that i hadnt had one of these and like a week after readin it, I got one!! Mad as!!

TBH tho, if u were gullible enough to fall for one of these scams then i say the person deserves the money coz how can anyone believe that pile of bullshit!!!:crazy: :naughty:


Active member
Oct 5, 2004
im like herpes....never quite fcuk hoff!!!
we get emails like this on our companys general email addy and also via our fax machine to our MD, weve had this same email and also one from some woman in nigeria asking for somebody to do the same thing with the money!!!

ceekey chunts i tell thee:rolleyes:

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