Londons Burning My Arse....

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Registered Member
Feb 7, 2002
LOL i know the lazy c**ts, my bro has just spent 6 month in NI, now e is gunna miss his leave for over christmas coz he has to go and do this Fireman shit.

I hope the firemen have a guilty concience after all of this.


New member
Nov 11, 2001
I agree in terms of them being tw*ts for striking, but lets look at this fairly.

Firemen, Medical staff (dr's / nurses) and emergency service people in general have an awful lot of shit to deal with and save alot of lives.

Ok, there's a fair few lazy, awkward and unhelpful c*nts in there but when you look at a footballer getting paid X amount for kicking a fu*king football then you cant justify it ie I know a lad who's 20, is on Man U's books and is earning between 1k and 2k a week and he aint even played a Premiership match yet, however another mate applied to the paramedics (who do a top job) and found the salary to be 12 k,
12K For fucks sake.

I think the issue is WHY do they have to go to these lengths to get those in power listening. Im not saying strike is the way forward but there needs to be a compromise.


Well-known member
VIP Silver Member
Jul 19, 2001
I have to disagree with you 2. I applied to get in fire service few weeks back but failed. As for you calling them lazy then just remember when the shit goes off then these 'lazy' people put their lives on the line. Just think of all 400 of those 'Lazy' firefighters that got wasted last year on Sept 11th.:(
They do deserve 40% because they have had to put up with shite pay rises all these years and after things like Sept 11th, then these are the people we've all got to turn to. The real lazy twats are these people who sit on there arses in house of commons whining on about how out of order they are for going on strike. If the whole lot of them gave up some of there rediculous bonuses then this country wouldn't have problems like this.. :(
Also your wrong calling them fat. I don't think you understand how fit you have to be to get in the service. As a matter of fact I would go as far to say that you've got to be a perfect human being....


Well-known member
VIP Silver Member
Jul 19, 2001
Just read your post Pacman. Your right about footballers. Their saleries are out of control and they just love shoving it in peoples faces and half of them are arogant abusive twats.. did I mention I hate football??


New member
Jul 15, 2001
First off gotta say when they're required firemen do an outstanding job. I for one wouldn't want to do it.
That said firemen still don't do a proper working week, they do 4 days on / 4 days off. Alot of them have other jobs in their 4 days off. Whilst I'm not denying that they do put their lives on the line, the rest of the time they have it pretty easy.
It's not like there's a shortage of people wanting to be fire-fighters - for every successful applicant into the fire service there's 38 unsuccessful applicants. They're literaly queueing to get in. Unlike nurses where there's a shortage of applicants for posts.
If the firemen are so hard done by - why are there so many who still want to join?


New member
Apr 24, 2002
i wouldnt mind earning 20k for doing nothing all day.which basically is what they do.may be 1 proper fire evary 2 weeks to 3 weeks.

they didnt mind earning that when they joined.greedy bast**ds


New member
Aug 12, 2002
jamie_crichton said:
LOL i know the lazy c**ts, my bro has just spent 6 month in NI, now e is gunna miss his leave for over christmas coz he has to go and do this Fireman shit.

I hope the firemen have a guilty concience after all of this.

I don't doubt for one minute that NHS staff and fireman should perhaps get more money for the good they do. As someone said when the shit goes off the firemen do their stuff. But the example you mentioned of your brother kind of thins their argument out. How can you sympathise with the firemen when the forces have to cancel their leave and cover for them to go on strike? Be interesting to know what your bro or someone like him gets paid compared to what your average fireman earns.


New member
Aug 31, 2001
"Whilst I'm not denying that they do put their lives on the line, the rest of the time they have it pretty easy"

thats coz its a demandin job
if they worked 5 or 6 days or whatever they wudnt b up to their best which could lead to incompetence

u cant have it both ways

theres plenty of jobs that dont work mon-fri 9-5

what u also forget is half of em sleep there, and get called out at any time of night
ur tellin me u cud work 4 nights as a fireman, then work sumwhere else in ur "free" time?
dont think so


New member
Jul 18, 2001
completely behind the firemen on this one, they're not striking for a laugh but because it's their last one will listen to em..

and to be offered 4% is taking the piss..

good luck to em they deserve at least £30K and i hope they get it.


New member
Jul 15, 2001
Right - big round of a applause for the fire-fighters everyone...grrrrreat.

First off let's start by making a distinction between the fire service and nurses - there is a MASSIVE shortage of nurses and people willing to go into the nursing. The fire service on the other hand has a unbelievable supplus of people wanting to join the profession. Who are the one's who are threatening to Strike? Not the people on the wards.

Wouldn't it be great if everyone in the public sector were paid what they deserve. It's not going to happen especially in the case of fire-fighers. People obviously aren't joining the Fire Service for the pay - the number of applicants per job reflect that (38 to 1). The Fire Service just simply isn't short staffed and therefore it doesn't need high pay incentives to get people into the sector. The health service and the police on the other hand are short staffed (to the point of adverts on the TV). The government isn't some greedy set of blokes who are trying to keep cash for themselves at the expense of the firemen. They're just being realistic and trying to juggle finances for the good of the public services.


Registered Member
Dec 28, 2001
Its a bit of a mixed bag this one innit?.

Ian, a friend of mine joined the fire service last year or so and boy was it tough to get in!. They do a great job when its all going off somewhere and I agree they should be payed a tad more than they are, but on the other side of the coin, they knew the typical wage before they joined and an increase of nearly half is perhaps going a bit far all at once. The pension scheme is unbelievably good from what Ive been told too.......

Its other jobs which are overpaid which makes it all a nonsence (especially footy) sometimes, for example, the 'contract' guy who fitted our kitchen was on over £20-25 per hour! and he was just putting it together like an MFI sideboard! He was even following the step by step instructions! and he'd only do half a days work at once too - mind you on that sort of rate he can do.....

I understand you have to aim high to get a bargaining position, but where will it stop? If the gov'ment cave in it will throw the floodgates open for whole other sections because it will show that this sort of tactic can work and everyone will be doing it whenever they feel like it, and in some cases at the risk of poeples lives.

Good luck on getting sommet reasonable though, respect is due for the work you do. (Geez, that rhymes :))


(Before long I will be asking Pacman for my blackbelt in Codshite, as you can see my training is coming on nicely!)



New member
Oct 11, 2002
west yorkshire
ok where do i start, the fire service is running 50% below what it should be according to a goverment review(the papers must have forgot to mention that one) and as for our pension we pay 200 pound a month for it.


Registered Member
Dec 28, 2001
I was told of the pension/retirement benifits off the person I know,not the national rags, unless he was overexaggerating.....which come to mention it is a good possibilty!

What reviews this? Anyone can shuffle numbers about to make it look one way or another. Are you meaning overstretching personnel per area? then yeah Id tend to agree with that one though.

Ill get mi coat:$