Not so much an animal, more a supernatural fruit - however this little rascal is a POLTERCUMBER.

Normally discovered when new owners occupy the house of a previous keen gardener, and replace the vegetable patch/greenhouse with a sand pit or fancy ornamental pond etc. This disturbs the normally placid beasts into a frenzy of object throwing.
Unexplained movement of garden furniture, chairs/tables floating around the garden etc, often simply put down to a strong wind, this is infact the poltercumber showing his displeasure.
Despite being a fruit, the poltercumber is actually a carnivore and will live off worms, small mice or even hedgehogs. A single mouse will feed a family of poltercumbers for over a month. Whilst never been known to kill a man, people have lost fingers as a result of trying to remove a poltercumber from their garden, and they will be particularly aggressive if protecting their young.
Often watering the garden with holy water rather than tap water will keep them at bay if you can find a priest willing to help out with the blessing. However the only sure way to remove a poltercumber is of course to call the ghostbusters.