I take it you mean thread viens, as in broken cappileries as opposed to huge feck of viens lol?
If this is the case, then you could have some form of diathermy, this uses heated needles though so not for the faint hearted. Another option is sclerotherapy, no heat but again using needle, this time sort of collapsing the mini viens.
It is quite expensive, North West prices are around £30 for one session, and it is usual for several to be completed before the vien is totally gone. You may find that many decline to offer it to you as its very close to the eye area.
Look in the yeallow pages under 'Red Vien removal'. Sometimes in the beauty salon sections, or 'clinics'.
Alternantive options such as creams/lotions will have little effect, as once a cappilary is at skin level such as yours, it can really only be removed/dispersed via on of the methods mentioned.
One thing you ccan do on a daily basis to stop them getting worse, is to make sure you only wash with tepid water, as extremes of temp worsen the condition.