Personally I used to love this and just found it in my collection. I have a feeling it charted pretty high in 89 but not sure. Rips off hypnosis:- droid but I like it anyway. Gonna rip it tonight. What u fink?
lots of trumpets. Picture speghetti westen with girgio moroder type disco bassline and a woman going "1,2,3 mental" and occasionally "disco girls and bb boys go ...1 2 3 mental"Northern Star said:Grrrrr i hate it when this happens.....i know the tune put i cant hear it lol :$
can sum1 hum it for me please
nathan said:lots of trumpets. Picture speghetti westen with girgio moroder type disco bassline and a woman going "1,2,3 mental" and occasionally "disco girls and bb boys go ...1 2 3 mental"
lastnightadj said:'Tis good fun - it had the lot..... "Mental" chants and the double speed clapping thing that was all the rage in 89 (what happened to that?)
no doubt that it sounds cheesy now
produced by Colin "Audio Deluxe - 60 seconds" Hudd .... I think it also featured Blow (Razorboy/Gordon Edge) on trumpet
pauly p said:here`s a snippet
Northern Star said:Damn you pauly lol i still have to wait till i get home
lastnightadj said:'Tis the double speed clapping thing that was all the rage in 89 (what happened to that?)
Northern Star said:Grrrrr i hate it when this happens.....i know the tune put i cant hear it lol :$
can sum1 hum it for me please
Konspiracy said:Do you mean in tunes or just people in general clapping along with tunes?
Guilty as charged (and still do it now when Im pissed / off mi tits :$ )
nathan said:blow was colin hudd. Thats what it says on go anyway
Discogs said:Blow / artists (B) Profile:House producer and DJ. Live trumpet performance. Aliases: DJ Edge, Edge, Gordon Edge, Gordon Matthewman
sweet sensation said:Lol! Im as bad as you!!! I even have the vinyl (I think, err Pauly do I lol? :$ )and I still cant remember how it goes :$