That was the best none rave I've ever been to
I was well up for a mad nite out and I got one
Started off on the train, met a couple of randoms who were goin to a club in Sheffield, shared our litre of Vodka with them and they shared their tunes with us! Boss!
Got into Manchester in a very excitable mood and headed down to the Paramount..I then realised that I didn't know what any1 looked like apart from the Hazy heads so me n my mate went round the whole pub sayin OSA? to every group who looked in a ravin mood
Met up with all the OSAers who were lurkin outside and then commenced a nite of madness. Was boss to meet u all and I can't name names because I don't want to leave any1 out..u are all a sound bunch
and mad as fook
The nite is very sketchy in parts as I was well
but I know I didn't stop dancin all nite be it in a bar, on a table, on top of a car, on a
I do remember roundin up the ravers and doin a Braveheart FREEEEEDOM outside the warehouse :$
After the tour of Manchester we ended up by the train station and thought it wud be best if we went back to Liverpool to carry the nite on back there..WRONG! The police wudn't let us in the station and then when we sneaked past them we realised that the next train wasn't until 8am Sunday morn
My head was everywhere..then Woody(our knight in shining armour) was about to come to the rescue and collect two very
scousers from in the middle of Manchester
We then for some bizarre reason ended up in Yorkshire
Big massive thank you to Ben Fisher for havin us back to his for a boss party and a night of general mashedupness
Shout out to all the attendees at Bens especially Lozzie, u are boss bird and u had me in stitches all nite
Highlites included
being given access to a little club in Bens basement called Faraldos, Falarakis or Fandangoes(can't remember) lol!
me, danny and ben all sat in the bath scaldin our feet and then Bens mate(can't remember name soz) fallin over Only Fools and Horses stylee
Goin the shop for more booze at some point Sunday mornin and me and me mate thinkin we were in Emmerdale Farm and askin if the bus went to Hotton?
Loads of mashed up half conversations and randomness
Had to get the train back Sunday afternoon, nice one to Bens mate for takin us the station. Got sum very strange looks as we were still in the nite befores ravin gear and looked like a pair of tramps arses.. quite scary :S After bein sick we thought the best thing to do would be to get back on the booze
Back in Liverpool and strate to the local boozer to share our stories
and explain how we went to Manchester for a rave and ended up in Huddersfield train station
All in all one of the funniest, crazy, boss times I've had
All the OSA boys n girls, thank you for makin us feel so welcome and I hope to see u all agin very soon
ps took 48 pics so when they're done I'll scan them...shud be some good ones on there