Moning Peeeeeeeeeeps

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New member
Jan 4, 2002
no-one in the the world dunks croissants into coffee....tell me i'm right...please???:O :O :O :O

jayne x


New member
Jan 4, 2002
ok ok ok ..... dunking stuff into coffee is nearly acceptable, but drinking it out of a bowl is most certainly the strangest thing i've heard today...

hot drinks should be drank in cups or mugs or anything with a handle...not a pan though...and surely not a bowl.

but i have learnt something new today...thankyou(i won't be trying it)!!!!!!!:D :D :D ..j/j

jayne x
glazzy said:
ok ok ok ..... dunking stuff into coffee is nearly acceptable, but drinking it out of a bowl is most certainly the strangest thing i've heard today...

hot drinks should be drank in cups or mugs or anything with a handle...not a pan though...and surely not a bowl.

but i have learnt something new today...thankyou(i won't be trying it)!!!!!!!:D :D :D ..j/j

jayne x

Just try it..... for me..... so that I stop nagging you!

It is really enjoyable :) If you try it and say that you don't like it, then I'll leave you alone :) but if you lie!!!!!!! DAMNATION WILL FALL ON YOU!

I know that drinking out of bowl sounds gross, but I really love doing it :) you can get a good dunk, and an excellent swig!

Think of it this way. The French are known for being picky about eatin etc.... Do you honestly think we would dunk our croissant and drink out of bowls if it was not nice?

* sits back and mezmorizes about the dunking and the bowl*
I tend to leave poeple alone when they say they don't want to do things, but on this occasion I'm going to be a pain in the arse!



New member
Jan 4, 2002
wot a star u r doolz

i do kinda the same but the other way round..chocolate first the take the orange bit the spongey bit then eat the orange bit!!!!

the best bikkies for dunkin is defo chocolate malted milks....mmmm

jayne x
Dj M Jaxx said:

:crazy: :crazy: :crazy: No, NO, NO, NO, NO A 100 times NO !!! :crazy: :crazy:

Bad boy, on your bed, no supper, no dunking, no jaffa :crazy: :crazy:

Jaxx! It's OK... we is dunking the croisants!!!! They are MADE to be dunked!

*hypnotic voice*

So it is their life to be dunked... you can not go against nature.... It is bad to not dunk the croissant..... very bad..... you are insulting it's life.....


New member
Jan 4, 2002
Right that's it....i'm gonna try it...but only cos u want me to:D

can i use any coffee? cos i have only got ordinary stuff

the bit that worries me is wen u drink from the bowl don't you get soggy crumby bits of bread in ur gob?

i will do it tomorrow cos we don't have good stuff like croissants in the house, i shall go to the shops later maybe and make a purchase!!

u happy now? well r u? u should be!!! j/j

jayne x
glazzy said:
Right that's it....i'm gonna try it...but only cos u want me to:D

can i use any coffee? cos i have only got ordinary stuff

the bit that worries me is wen u drink from the bowl don't you get soggy crumby bits of bread in ur gob?

i will do it tomorrow cos we don't have good stuff like croissants in the house, i shall go to the shops later maybe and make a purchase!!

u happy now? well r u? u should be!!! j/j

jayne x

Not only happy, but proud :)

The art of dunking a croissant is actually really fine. You dont let it steap! If you do you it will disintegrate! It's 2 seconds dunk, then eat :)

I recommend good coffee, and a fine selection.... Your tast will then point in a certain direction, then you and I can take coffee beans etc.... :mad:

And you might get a few crumbs, but they will be a the bottom and therefore you are safe :) you don't have to drain the bowl

Dj M Jaxx

New member
Oct 12, 2001
bolox dunking time ahoy
todays speciality is high diving choclate digestives


But it is not a laughing matter, I am serious, you will all go to hell for your sins against dunking

If god wanted us to dunk, he would have made PG TIPS celletape a packet of mini jaffas on to ther tea box !!!!

BUT DID THEY, ....... I DON'T THINK SO !!!!!!

Send in the dunkin :cops: its time to bring justice to the world :thumbsup:
Dj M Jaxx said:


But it is not a laughing matter, I am serious, you will all go to hell for your sins against dunking

If god wanted us to dunk, he would have made PG TIPS celletape a packet of mini jaffas on to ther tea box !!!!

BUT DID THEY, ....... I DON'T THINK SO !!!!!!

Send in the dunkin :cops: its time to bring justice to the world :thumbsup:

arrrrrrrggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhh it's NOT the jaffas that are getting dunked! it's the croisants! and they LIVE for being dunked....

* looks at Jaxx's glazed stare *

I give up!