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I've registered a couple of times and thought the whole process of designing your page seemed way too much hasstle, as did the log-in / sign-up process which is why I registered a couple of times....  I was expecting it too be a "point and click" thing, that would be a piece of piss, but it seems like too much work for me to be bothered with. 

I don't really see the point to be honest.  I mean, what's the point in looking at your mates profiles?  If they're your mates then you should already know what they look like and what they like / dislike...

And... most of the pages that I've navigated through, by randomly clicking through peoples mates have been impossible to read.  Light coloured text on dark backgounds are not easy on the eyes, and neither is text overlayed on a stupid patterened background that moves up and down the page when you scroll.

Bah humbug... lol