name change

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New member
Sep 6, 2003
okay so i should have thought about this before i started my posting frezy, but i kinda got carried away with the flurry of it all.

I have been thinking that is perhaps not best to use my 'real' name, as i have -and no doubt will continue to post things that are of a private nature, on what is essentially a very public froum.

I feel that perhaps i am leaving myself (potentially) open to trouble, as there are a lot of do gooders in my year at uni who would jump at the chance to grass on me for anything whatsoever, lol- i dont need to give the shites more ammo if you know what i mean. And they could, you never know, stumble here by chance.

Also, i often use other pc's, and if anyone clicks on history, and you guys pop up, well then there i am in full glory. (lol, i dont want my bosses knowing exatly when i posted ect)

So i am changing my name to Blondie, i know its a bit crap, but i cant think of anything better, and i figured that is i was going to subscribe to anyform of female iconology, Debbie Harry would be it.


So Blondie it is...... as soon as i can figure out how to change it!


New member
Sep 6, 2003
embarrased to admit that although i am trusted with peoples lives, i cant work out how to change my name. I would be grateful if anyone would sent me a message of instuctions, thanks


New member
Sep 6, 2003
well i am the only lesley one my course, i have already named my uni and my course title, and they could prove it as my email adress in my profile is my full name (doh again)

And they are a bunch of sneaky fuckers, my peers at uni that is

so just playing it safe;)


New member
Sep 6, 2003
lol, lose my post counts! never! i have to beat Nathan by the end of the month, lol- i would rather have my future carreer in tatters:p


New member
Sep 6, 2003
lol, after 7 years study i would break anyones legs who called me nurse.

cheeky is quite good, top of the list so far, anymore?