New music I got.

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Sep 6, 2003
Yesterday as gifts i got cd's by Mylo, Adem and Brighteyes.

Mylo has had the most play so far, as its more uplifting than the other two. I had never heard of them before, and i quite like it so far. I really like track seven- 'Paris Four Hundred'. They sort of sound a little like a more charty Daft Punk, so very easy listening for when you are doing other shit. NME has been quoted as saying that they are 'the saviour of dance', but i wouldn't go that far.

Brighteyes, well i can only describe his sound as a hydrid of Damian Rice and Niel Young, sandout tracks so far after just one listen is 'First day of my life', which is very sweet and romantic. Excellent background music for when making tea (or dinner for the southerners lol).

Adem, i have yet to ive a real listen, but its similar in style to Brighteyes, yet slightly more upbeat with a less acoustic feel. Thinking drunken putting the world to rights music so far.

Anyone heard of any of these and care to comment?
