new years resolution

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VIP Silver Member
Sep 4, 2007
over there
any thoughts from anyone on this yet? I know its early but thought I would be the first to get the ball rolling. Ive been thinking for quite a while now about doing something helping out in an environment with people worse off than myself but had no idea which line to go down. My wife works on a young disabled unit and now Ive told her this she has said that I can possibly work at her place on a voluntary basis and Im really into the idea of this :) Didnt have a clue what I could do before but Im well up for this as I have a rough idea of the ins and outs of bernies work obviously and have met people there before on do's etc and reckon it will be a really good thing to do. A lot of people she has to look after are around my age and are in the care home through accidents and stuff not actually disabled from birth. It proper bugs me when she tells me of stories of people who end up in there just from something as simple as falling down the stairs and if I can do a little bit to help out then Im all for it. Also, they have a bar in there so I would be more than happy to be the new barman :D


Active member
Jul 21, 2001
Louisiana formerly Middlesbrough
Massive Respect on that Bod and Bernie, I did a stint of working with Children with Downs Syndrome due to my brothers 1st born having the problem wanted to learn more about it and help others. He only had a life expectancy of approx 8 years, was born also with 2 holes in his heart but is now 19 and still going strong :)

Ive got a fresh start on life, new woman and all that stuff so My New Year resolution is To start living life to the maxx. Taking up snowboarding, going out and enjoying myself, then the most important getting some form of Visa sorted so I can get into the USA and see my kids.


Dec 28, 2002
I have almost got a shopping list full of things I should do.......

1, Get a good donation together for a charity we have supported for the last 6 years. Unfortunately we are not able to get out to India to see them next year however a good donation would not go a miss.

2, My brother and his wife have had their 1st baby girl. She was very premature and I should realy get involved in some fund raising for the local Prem unit which as usual is short of funds.

3, Need to finish our house, likely to take the rest of next year as we are wanting an extension built also

4, Get myself back into some sort of physical condition as at the moment I am a complete mess!!!:$

5, Next Christmas find some time to donate to the local homeless support through either helping with their Christmas meal or other assistance. Would make a change for me rather than getting pissed, full of food until feeling sick and laying around like a slob.

Just a thought for everybody who uses the site which realy would not hurt any of us too much, every person donate a semi decent record to a minimum value (come on we all have doubles), they can be auctioned or sold off maybe via discogs with the funds going to a nominated or agreed charity? That way we can all give without hurting our own pockets, just loosing a record or know....the record or two you never play anyway and hang onto because its worth a couple of quid. Just a thought.


li'l Sonz

New member
Apr 27, 2005
Properly quit smoking... I'm nearly there, just on the last bit now! :)

Take up more hobbies, went ice skating again for the first time in years and really want to get back into it and get some lessons...

Keep up with the gym as it's going OK but not been doing it properly these past couple of months while I've been busy with work.

Move out!

Go to the Far East/Hawaii/South America.... Anyone want to come? Lol.



Nov 7, 2005
Not far from Tesco's
It was quiting smoking but the mother in law bought me a massive pouch of Drum tobacco and a bottle of Vodka for xmas, so i'm in a bit of a dilemma as the vodka has been drank but not tucked into the Drum yet, it's such a waste to throw it away and eBay doesn't permit tobacco sales :(

Maybe I start my NY res in Feb.


Active member
Oct 5, 2004
im like herpes....never quite fcuk hoff!!!
shitloads i wana ge done this year

wana do summat for charity ie race for life etc

save some dosh so we can buy a bigger house.....even tho we have just bought this en!!

finish my qualifications and get a better paid job

the usual llse weight and more excercise bolox

and also make more of an effort with friends and family......see them more etc

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