any thoughts from anyone on this yet? I know its early but thought I would be the first to get the ball rolling. Ive been thinking for quite a while now about doing something helping out in an environment with people worse off than myself but had no idea which line to go down. My wife works on a young disabled unit and now Ive told her this she has said that I can possibly work at her place on a voluntary basis and Im really into the idea of this Didnt have a clue what I could do before but Im well up for this as I have a rough idea of the ins and outs of bernies work obviously and have met people there before on do's etc and reckon it will be a really good thing to do. A lot of people she has to look after are around my age and are in the care home through accidents and stuff not actually disabled from birth. It proper bugs me when she tells me of stories of people who end up in there just from something as simple as falling down the stairs and if I can do a little bit to help out then Im all for it. Also, they have a bar in there so I would be more than happy to be the new barman