lol jus thought id beat yas too it 
roxanne shante - live on stage. how mint is this tune!
jus been tryin to attemptedly scratch my back out to it. so thought id heed the nippsters advice and start up with summet slower. im still crap like but a bit lesser crap than i was before. sorted. il carry on then till im on the good side of bad. erm well that would be good then or would it still be bad. im confused
roxanne shante - live on stage. how mint is this tune!
jus been tryin to attemptedly scratch my back out to it. so thought id heed the nippsters advice and start up with summet slower. im still crap like but a bit lesser crap than i was before. sorted. il carry on then till im on the good side of bad. erm well that would be good then or would it still be bad. im confused