Think this was the first EM from Ibiza
MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service
Morels Groove - "Lets Groove" (Strictly Rhythm)
Rama 1 - "Cest La Vie" (Cleveland City)
Swag - "Dark Corners" (Jus Trax)
Donna Summer - "I Feel Love" (Manifesto)
Develomment Corporation - "Spend The Day" (W/L)
Marykiani - "When I Call Your Name" (Mercury)
Billy Ray Martin - "Your Lovin Arms" (East West)
Pizzaman - "Sex On The Streets" (Loaded)
Faithless - "Salive Mae" (Cheeky Champion)
Dreadzone - "Captain Dread" (Virgin)
Sain PT2 - "Its Alright" (Effective)
Itchy And Scratchy - "I Want U" (Spot On)
El Fredo - "Where's My Man" (white Label)
New Order - "Blue Monday" (ffrr)
Daydream - "The Hunter" (Clubstitute)
Chemical Brothers - "Brothers Gonna Work It Out" (white Label)
Inner City - "Hallelujah" (Ten)
Company B - "Fascinated" (Atlantic)
H 2 0 - "Livin For The Future" (Liquid Groove)
Pequina Habana - "I Got To Know" (Flying)
Oregano - "Oregano" (white Label)
Josh Wink - "Higher State Of Consciousness" (Strictly Rhythm)
Size 9 - "I'm Ready" (Underground)
By Wubble U - "Petal" (Go Discs)
The Shaker - "Strong To Survive" (Ugly Bu)
Yum Yum - "3 Minute Warning" (Sperm)
Sulvester - "You Make Me Feel" (Fantasy)
Carla Louis - "You're You" (DBX)
Brothers Grim - "Radiate" (X-Gate)
Sultana - "Te Amo" (Volumex)
Jam And Spoon - "Find Me" (Epic)
Li Kwan - "Point Zero" (Seka)
MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service
Morels Groove - "Lets Groove" (Strictly Rhythm)
Rama 1 - "Cest La Vie" (Cleveland City)
Swag - "Dark Corners" (Jus Trax)
Donna Summer - "I Feel Love" (Manifesto)
Develomment Corporation - "Spend The Day" (W/L)
Marykiani - "When I Call Your Name" (Mercury)
Billy Ray Martin - "Your Lovin Arms" (East West)
Pizzaman - "Sex On The Streets" (Loaded)
Faithless - "Salive Mae" (Cheeky Champion)
Dreadzone - "Captain Dread" (Virgin)
Sain PT2 - "Its Alright" (Effective)
Itchy And Scratchy - "I Want U" (Spot On)
El Fredo - "Where's My Man" (white Label)
New Order - "Blue Monday" (ffrr)
Daydream - "The Hunter" (Clubstitute)
Chemical Brothers - "Brothers Gonna Work It Out" (white Label)
Inner City - "Hallelujah" (Ten)
Company B - "Fascinated" (Atlantic)
H 2 0 - "Livin For The Future" (Liquid Groove)
Pequina Habana - "I Got To Know" (Flying)
Oregano - "Oregano" (white Label)
Josh Wink - "Higher State Of Consciousness" (Strictly Rhythm)
Size 9 - "I'm Ready" (Underground)
By Wubble U - "Petal" (Go Discs)
The Shaker - "Strong To Survive" (Ugly Bu)
Yum Yum - "3 Minute Warning" (Sperm)
Sulvester - "You Make Me Feel" (Fantasy)
Carla Louis - "You're You" (DBX)
Brothers Grim - "Radiate" (X-Gate)
Sultana - "Te Amo" (Volumex)
Jam And Spoon - "Find Me" (Epic)
Li Kwan - "Point Zero" (Seka)