No Cam!!!!

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Well its really quiet without the cam man today. I can actually hear myself think for a change. LOL. Hows did everyone's weekends go? I had an allrite one. Apart from my g/f who had a bad one.. here's why..

She invited her friend all the way from Dundee up to stay for the weekend. She has known her for years and was delighted because she has not seen her for ages. She also invited her boyfriend, who she never met at all. So they came up on Saturday night when I was there and they did not say a word to me. I thought, how bloody rude. I was trying to get a conversation going but they did not answer so I left and told my g/f that I'd see her tommorow.

So on sunday I got a text message in the afternoon from my g/f saying "come over now, I don't know what to do", These people left to see another of her old mates. So I went over and she told me that her friends boyfriend has nicked stuff out of her house.. for example: CDs, her jewellery (some given to her by relatives that now have passed away...), clothes, the list goes on.. She is absolutely devestated. They stayed at hers on Saturday and at a friends somewhere else last night.. She doesn't know if she will see them again.. She wants to phone the police but she doesn't want to fall out with her friend,.....

So thats my weekend... how was urs?:confused:


New member
Jan 4, 2002
i've had a nice quiet a cold so i aint done much just sit round and watch the tele:D

well her mate don't sound like a real mate to me, i'd phone the police and let them know all about it if i was her!
she must be totally gutted and her mate must also know wot her boyfriend is up to :mad: she might be better not seeing her again after all this.

jayne x
I kidnapped Cam on saturday and locked him in my basement so you'll have a quite working environment for some time now. I'm feeding him up with loadsa food then i gonna cook him and have cam on toast.


Actually, i think i'll pass on the toast thing. Think i'll just keep him locked away.

Had a top w/e. Got smashed friday, went for a beer with Cam on saturday, then had a big fat b@stard sunday dinner made for me yesterday by the misses's mum and dad. LOVELY.


New member
Nov 6, 2002
I woudn't ring the dibble. I'd try to hunt em down meself.

Then when I'd found em, I'd break his robbin little fingers:mad:

Nothin worse than that, stealin from anyones house is bad enough but when yer missus has put them up an is a 'friend' thats 'scum of the earth' tackle that.


New member
I would but he's been inside and I was told that he carries a knife with him everywhere he goes so... by the look of the fella he looks one mad bugger and I think the girlfriend of him which was invited up is petrified of him. My g/f wants to pull them up about it but is scared of what the boyfriend will do if she accuses him of stealing. He was banged up for driving offences (No road tax ect.) He drove up to Dingwall (near Inverness) from Dundee without any insurance or tax on his car and if my g/f did phone the police on him, he'll get banged up again, which will scare his girlfriend and maybe lose the long friendship with me missus.



New member
Nov 6, 2002
Fair play mate, be careful if hes a knife merchant. Don't reacon I'd be able to hold me temper if he had robbed off my girlfriend tho:mad:

Sounds like your missus wants to have a quiet word with her mate an tell her to ditch him, especially if shes scared of him cos thats no way to be in a relationship that.

Good luck anyway mate, hope yer get it sorted.



Registered Member
Mar 30, 2003
In a world of my own
kicked ass mate, bought meself a town now and a massive army :D

Weekend was shit hot, saw me little lad and had a great time the only thing that pissed me off was as usual his mum screeming and shouting when she came to pick him up, after getting drunk and being late :S

If i could be nasty and wish one person dead, she have to be for the chop. God know why I got her of all people preggers!


New member
Well last night she decided (after me gettin on at her) that she would phone the police (or rather, I would). She got really nervous and was shaking like a leaf. She calmed down once the officer arrived and gave a very good statement. They said that they will go and have a look for him, even tho they only had a rough idea of where he was staying. If he does get caught, he will be back inside because he was in before for what supposed to be a year, he only spent 6 months inside. She's also scared of what might happen if he gets let out before his court date, (if he does). So it was a bit mad last nite:eek:


New member
Jun 13, 2002
Northern Ireland
Karlosio said:
I would but he's been inside and I was told that he carries a knife with him everywhere he goes so...

He sounds like a big hard man!! LOL!!! Nicking CD's and sentimental jewelery from people who where good enough to give hime a bed for the night!! Wanker if you ask me!! :mad:

Did your G/F phone her other friend to see if any sh*t was missing from there house?? Might be a good idea!

Personally I'd do a Mick Dundee with the robbing bastard and confront him.... "That's not a knife!"

Nah seriously mate, I would just play it within the law and phone the cops :cops: God knows how many people he has robbed from or who he'll rob next. By the sounds of him he's just low life scum who should'nt even be with this girl in the first place! You may find out that more stuff is missing than you think and the longer you leave it the more chance he'll get away with it!

You'll need to have a good talk with your girlfriend and see what she say's before you both act.


New member
Jun 13, 2002
Northern Ireland
Karlosio said:
She's also scared of what might happen if he gets let out before his court date, (if he does).

Unless this guy is some f*cking brain dead twat, he would know better than to come back looking your girlfriend!
Do you think in the long run he would get away with anything??
Just wait and see what the police say or find, then take it from there mate, get your girlfriend to talk her worries over with them and explain her fears.

By the sounds of him he's better locked up!! :mad:

Send him over here and i'll stick his knife up his ass!!:mad: