sorry to heat that
what happens now
as jayne and tonksi say go out and get bolloxed
monday the receivers will come and decide if the business is a going concern (ie. worth running for the forseeable future)
if so they'll look for a buyer,
If i was you get bolloxed then (when your heads sorted)
sort out a CV, either way you may aswell start looking for a new job.... as if your company is bought, they'll probably start job cuts anyway......................................
I got made redundant in september, but i've rallied back and got meself a job, even though i haven't worked since dec 7th
the best thing that ever happened to me
(although my wage had reduced by a third)
ps. nick anything you can cos no one will give a toss, until them
bastard accountant recievers come in monday, they'll soon secure the place