Yeah it was all good SoS ...sold out again ...everyone left with a smile on their face ...we recorded the whole night and got it up online got an internet radio station wantin to stream it another night in the pipeline..should be announcing it in a couple of days ....
here's the links to the whole night ....
i did the first stint....
GBTOR4 main roomBPS.mp3
Danny Walsh did the next slot
GBTOR4 main roomDanny.mp3
Dean Nelson did the last slot
GBTOR4 main roomdean1.mp3
and the last 20 mins are here ...we had to edit it down coz we couldn't fit it all on mediafire
Last Tunes.mp3
hope u can make it down to the next one min ...the sound is a bit ropey about half an hour into my set ...initial teethin problems.....but gives u an idea what were all about