One for the ladies in the house.

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New member
Sep 6, 2003
That includes you too Sirius (Like 118 i got your number :moonie: ).

Over the last few weeks i have been on a mission to challage societal expectations of women* by not really complying to the whole getting yourself looking presentable by conventional methods of showering/bathing and hair-doing stylee things. Imagine my delight when i found products that gave me the highly polished look yet with very little effort!

Here are a few of my finds,

1, Babtiste dry shampoo! Yes thats right shampoo in a bloody tin! You just spray it on, then brush it out and your hair looks (and smells) freshly washed! Its the dogs bollax and a steal at £2.99. I have so far gone 6 days without washing my bonse.

2, Hair shine in a can! Can you belive it, you can now really fry your hair with the GHD'S, (i like it when my hair actaully smokes as i do it, only then do i accept its straight lol) and pretend your hair is'nt about to snap off by spraying this lovely ace gift from the god's onto your hair. Tra-la! Healthy hair that went awol in 1988 is back home again! I have Charles Worthington mini size at £1.50.

3, Palmers body gel. Smear this cool gel (little tip is to keep it in on the rad so its nice and warm as it goes on) all over your body and your skin looks like you drink gallons of water everyday. And it makes you skin a bit firmer looking with a nice slight sheen.

*okay okay i have no disire to challange societal views in the least, i am just of a certain age where i want to do more than faff for an hour before leaving the house. Like sleep more, or read the papers :)
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Active member
Apr 20, 2003
Wheeee, nice one Amelie, these products sound too good to be true! Dry Shampoo!!! Gel that makes your body look like you drink loads of water everyday!!! Wow!! Me thinks a trip to town is in order! :D Im always bothered about my skin and how dry it looks, think my pill has something to do with that, so i cant help that! :( ...and how good would that be not to have to wash your hair everyday!! :D

Thanks for that Amelie!! :thumbsup: :D


Staff member
Jul 15, 2001
lol u shud work for nasa amelie with finds like this :thumbsup:

does the hair shampoo thingie smelll all girly or is it in a girly bottle or is it a unisex smell/bottle lol. mght give it a bash but dont want gettin called a wuss like