One thing U'd change....

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li'l Sonz said:
i quite like glasses and think u can wear them without lookin shit nowadays (.

I like a nice bird who wears glasses, don't know why but it is a bit of a turn on:$ :$


New member
Feb 19, 2005
Liverpool Laaaaa
I'd like straighter hair, smaller arse, flatter stomach, better eyesight, browner skin(sick of smelling like a madras with all the fake tan), to stop being such a worrier, to be able to go for 'just the one'...I don't obsess over these things..just if I had the choice, they're the things I'd improve on.:D


Mesh said:
I'd like straighter hair, smaller arse, flatter stomach, better eyesight, browner skin(sick of smelling like a madras with all the fake tan), to stop being such a worrier, to be able to go for 'just the one'...I don't obsess over these things..just if I had the choice, they're the things I'd improve on.:D

I think you could improve yourself Michelle by getting rid of that stupid Mr kirk thing you have as it means I have to scroll all the way over the page to read what you have said. my mums pc is slow as fukk and it takes hours to read what you have. You would go right up in my estimation if you did that. You could put something nice and short like hang joey barton:p ;)


Active member
Sep 2, 2003
Dysfunction Junction
easty said:
I like a nice bird who wears glasses

Ive had conversations like this before. Back when we were younger it wasnt remotely cool to wear glasses, and you'd probably get called speccy, four-eyes etc...
I never had to go through that as I didnt get my glasses til I was about 24 but they seem quite liked these days. In fact, a couple of my ex's used to ask me to wear them more !


T.C said:
Ive had conversations like this before. Back when we were younger it wasnt remotely cool to wear glasses, and you'd probably get called speccy, four-eyes etc...
I never had to go through that as I didnt get my glasses til I was about 24 but they seem quite liked these days. In fact, a couple of my ex's used to ask me to wear them more !

I don't know what it is, I really don't. But dark haired birds with glasses:love: :love: :love:
Miss C said:
I'd probably change - well, tweek everything in some way. But thats not to say i'm ungreatful for what i already have, i'm a lucky girl, but i also know its healthy to desire more and constantly be growing and improving physically and emotionally. I know i'm still growing up, and if there was no room to develop, to learn more or be more, for me, my existence would be rather futile! :)

I have no problem with bringing out your best bits (wearing a bit of make up or accentuating those curves). I think it's a good choice to show urself off at your best. I agree with growning as a person (as apposed to improving).
But I don't think changing to suit others is right. Who decides what is perfect????The problem people have is trying to reach some unobtainable "perfection". Please....someone show this person so at least Im clear....too thin, too fat, red hair, oh no sorry blonde hair. Pink's in No but Green is the new black...WTF!!!!!!!!! Thats enough to leave any impressionable person confused and dissatissfied with their lot. Once you get close to that genreral consensus of perfection.....the target moves...and yet again, your identity is lost.

To me, perfection lies in peoples imperfections and their ability to be beautifull as themselves.

We have to accept that in our culture. asthetic looks are desireable. Thats why we clean our cars. It wouldn't harm the car to be dirty....but psychologically and socially it is desireable.
Not in my life time are people who forego social norms and acceptance values going to prosper or get that job over the guy with the perfect teeth....but there is a ballance.......

I strive to move foreward....but not coz Im not perfect as I am. The meaning of existance is to do that. At this moment...I am what Im supposed to be, whatever my current state. Just to look gorgeous, have the best house or the nicest aston martin (Mmmmm)does not necessarily mean contentment does it chez???? Contentment comes from within. If thats not what you're striving for.....what are you striving for, and to serve who????


New member
Dec 22, 2005
near a tip
easty will u marry me??? lol! i wear my contacts alot but whenever i wear my glasses peeps say i look like a naughty librarian or school teacher;) , pmsl. i like i guy in glasses though, makes 'em look sexy :D

u can get really nice glasses now, mine r mint black fcuk ones but i
had to have deidre barlow ones when i was bout 12 cause fekking opticians hadn't cottoned on to fashion yet :$ !! jesus, did I get teased.

been wearing glasses since 9 (yes 9!!!! dad's genes:( ) and contact since 15, so ur lucky TC!


Lozzie said:
I have no problem with bringing out your best bits (wearing a bit of make up or accentuating those curves). I think it's a good choice to show urself off at your best. I agree with growning as a person (as apposed to improving).
But I don't think changing to suit others is right. Who decides what is perfect????The problem people have is trying to reach some unobtainable "perfection". Please....someone show this person so at least Im clear....too thin, too fat, red hair, oh no sorry blonde hair. Pink's in No but Green is the new black...WTF!!!!!!!!! Thats enough to leave any impressionable person confused and dissatissfied with their lot. Once you get close to that genreral consensus of perfection.....the target moves...and yet again, your identity is lost.

To me, perfection lies in peoples imperfections and their ability to be beautifull as themselves.

We have to accept that in our culture. asthetic looks are desireable. Thats why we clean our cars. It wouldn't harm the car to be dirty....but psychologically and socially it is desireable.
Not in my life time are people who forego social norms and acceptance values going to prosper or get that job over the guy with the perfect teeth....but there is a ballance.......

I strive to move foreward....but not coz Im not perfect as I am. The meaning of existance is to do that. At this moment...I am what Im supposed to be, whatever my current state. Just to look gorgeous, have the best house or the nicest aston martin (Mmmmm)does not necessarily mean contentment does it chez???? Contentment comes from within. If thats not what you're striving for.....what are you striving for, and to serve who????

Let me ask you a question though Loz, my nashers were a mess at one point. Would you have got a brace if yours were in the same state
Mine are nearly sorted now only a couple of months to do. For the 1st time in years I have straight teeth and even though it's took forever and cost a fortune it's one of the best things I'ver ever done


Active member
Sep 2, 2003
Dysfunction Junction
chemayne said:
whenever i wear my glasses peeps say i look like a naughty librarian or school teacher;) , pmsl.

u can get really nice glasses now, i
deidre barlow ones when i was bout 12 cause fekking opticians hadn't cottoned on to fashion yet :$ !! jesus, did I get teased.

been wearing glasses since 9 (yes 9!!!! dad's genes:( ) and contact since 15, so ur lucky TC!

lol, I either tend to get the 'saucy secretary' comments or some just say i look a bit geeky :D
I probably needed them long before I started wearing them :$ but glad I didnt need them at school, kids can be cruel, and like you say, there wasnt exactly decent choice of styles back then like there is now.

Definitely would like lazer surgery at some stage in the future

Miss C

New member
May 18, 2003
New York
I love my glasses! I only have to wear them in lectures but they're well saucy!

Doesn't blummin' mean i wouldn't rather have better eyesight though!