OSA Gold Membership - Join now!!

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The Old Skool Resource. Since 1998.
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Staff member
Jul 15, 2001
/edit - ive started the sign ups early as got it all done ahead of schedule, for more info and to sign up see this post here


Its gonna be a membership for osa'ers that ya can optionally join into. Since first starting the site ive coughed up every month for the server fee's and after 5 years of doing so ive now hit a point where ive realised i cant carry on as i was.

The reason, well the reason is its your fault lol. The server used to cost me about fifteen quid a month for the first couple of years, i could handle that no mither and was happy to sort it out as i get from this place as much enjoyment as you do, probably more.

But over the past couple of years the membership has gone through the roof, we first had to move to a shared server with less sites on it as one with more sites on it couldnt handle the load, we then got too big for that and now were on a dedicated server (penny god bless her boots) and shes cool.

Only problem is like with all birds she siphens the money out of me lol. Im currently paying just over a ton a month on the bitch and by new year with the tuneid site starting to go sick too i can see me having to upgrade again.

And so ive decided to try n recoup some money, what i dont wanna do is say right guys give me some of your money, as although i know that yas wud prolly go yeah ok then sweet it aint what the sites about and it aint why i started it. If i wanted to become rich quick i would have started a donkey porn site (altho i have done that aswel).

Anyways back to the point lol. Ive thought for the past year or so what can i offer then for a bit of wonga that would be a more than good deal to you. That way if your getting summet back you wouldnt have otherwise then its all fair in love and war innit. Plus i may end up with a bit of extra cash to buy a bit of food with ya see (and ya wonderd why i was so thin eh - again. your fault lol).

And so heres the plan. Its totally optional like and for the normal user nothing will change, but for people who wanna pay £2 a month then they will get these benefits that the normal members wont get....


Access to another dj mixes section with exclusive mixes by some of the biggest dj's around and off the forum

A @oldskoolanthemz.com email address and either pop3 50meg mailbox (for outlook users) or a forwarder to forward onto a current email addy

500meg of webspace to host your own personal mix in the public dj mixes section and help in uploading it hosting it etc

Cheaper entrance to selected clubs and money off events

Removal of the google adsense advert thingiemajig that is on each post

Your name will be in gold on the whos online list etc

OSA Gold Member as your user title (under your name)

Competitions from time to time for proper random stuff lol

Goodies sent to you in the post (car stickers n such like)

And the last which is the only thing that will be restricted from what you can do now which is...

The ability to post vinyl4sale in the vinyl4sale bit - the reason for this is im thinking that the vinyl sellers on here must make big coin off this site and its members and so its only fair that they chip a bit in. so ner :p

And loads of other stuff i havent thought of yet but i will do soon lol.

Its something ive thought long and hard about for the site and its something ive been planning for the past year or so, and ive got a pretty fair head and when i look at the benefits then i think it seems fair as fook. and of course its totally optional, those who choose not to join up is fine and everything will still be the same in the most part.

As always your thoughts are appreciated, even if it is to call me a money suckin leech, i buzz of a bit of a brawl. lol

Much obliged :wave:


Active member
Oct 5, 2004
im like herpes....never quite fcuk hoff!!!
flippin ek butty , next you will be sending us homw with those pauper boxes you got as a kid in school to cadge money for the ethiopians :condom:


butty no worries, id be more than happy to cough up a few quid a month......................after all we cant have you starve now can we :thumbsup:

remind me after me next sunday dinner to post you a doggy bag :condom:

at the end of the day you work wonders with this site and it must be a proper ballache at times so i guess its worth it :thumbsup:


Active member
Jul 9, 2002
Sounds fair enough to me Captain Butty, especially if we get free car stickers! :D

Any ideas as to what you'd want to charge? :confused:


New member
Feb 2, 2005
pissed off
turpieaj said:
4812 members x 2 quid x 12 months =£115k a year
You could make this a full time job and thats ontop of the donkey prawn!

Fair play and count me in:thumbsup:


:rofl: Butty is up for The Entrepreneur of the Yr award 2006 ;)


Staff member
Jul 15, 2001
Pissbag said:
:rofl: Butty is up for The Entrepreneur of the Yr award 2006 ;)
lol they dont call me richard branston for nothing :D

ilp its gonna b 2 quid a month mate

random good idea that mate il add a membership card to the list of super double barrel bad bwoy bonuses :thumbsup:

and turps if all them members go for it then i will be laughing all the way to the bank but its highly unlikely. if a couple of hundred have it it will still take me over 6 months to owe back what im in debt with up to now coz of the site.

o also another thing ive jus thought of is competitions from time to time - if ive got a bit o spare wonga to play with after buying meself a few build up shakes then we can share the wealth, jear


Staff member
Jul 15, 2001
turpieaj said:
personally I think an annual fee would be a better idea just like the friendsreunited site:thumbsup: a lot less admin for ya!

well with the new ver of the site il be updating it with later tonight then i can have recurring payments via paypal so people can jus pay each month then if they choose to bin it they can do. il have the option there tho to pay for year if people want for 20 quid so itl b a wee bit cheaper too then like


Active member
Apr 4, 2002
Butty you know my thoughts on thsi bud. I think its just wats needed as you cant keep on forking out of your own pocket all the time. am suprised you have for so long mate.

All the suggestions are mint so far. I especially like the bit about vinyl for sale mate cause its clear that we have members who purely sell vinyl on here and dont interact in the other sections and who obvioucly make lots of wonga by doing so.

The monthly thing will be better mate cause most of us are here to stay like we have been for the past years lol so forking out one payment wont be a prob as we will get the use out of the membership :D

Keep up the good work



Active member
Jun 24, 2005
Dr Huxtables
ummm le'mee think about this.

well i reckon im still gonna be 30 notes a month better off coz i aint bought a single cd since i joined osa :$ phones: .....lol gwan.

whats two squid ?

course i'll chip in :Dwould be rude not to :eyebrow:

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