other old skool site ripping this site off.

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Active member
Sep 6, 2001
north west london
have just spoken to my mate matt (i upped a 89 mix of his to the mixes section of this site) and he said he found another old skool site that was downloading mixes from here and selling them on his/her site. But not being the most technical person I know he can't remember what site. Now I'm dying to find it and lynch the bastard so if anyone knows or has any ideas then please let me know


Active member
Sep 6, 2001
north west london
whys that grad?

grad said:
loooooool. you make me piss sometimes Nathan...

cause you think i'd sell matt's mixes for a profit. You're very wrong and I just thought if other peoples mixes that were upped here for members for free etc were being sold they have a right to know. Jesus. I thought you'd taken your nasty sarcy hat off Mr Gradley. Obviously not. Were does all the anger come from?


New member
Jul 18, 2001
nathan said:
cause you think i'd sell matt's mixes for a profit. You're very wrong and I just thought if other peoples mixes that were upped here for members for free etc were being sold they have a right to know. Jesus. I thought you'd taken your nasty sarcy hat off Mr Gradley. Obviously not. Were does all the anger come from?

chill fella. that's not what i meant at all. i was being honest, you make me laugh..people selling mixes they've downloaded and all that, i just found it funny :D
does any body know the addy for it??

listen all `o` yall this is sabotage


Active member
Sep 6, 2001
north west london
oh ok

grad said:
chill fella. that's not what i meant at all. i was being honest, you make me laugh..people selling mixes they've downloaded and all that, i just found it funny :D

sorry about that. Thought u was extracting the michael. I know it seems people will sell anything but mixes uploaded by members jesus whatever next.


Active member
Apr 10, 2002
That 3 hour Hacienda Mix that was played on Century FM a few years ago gets sold on Ebay quite a bit... :eek: Talk about money for old rope.

I would laugh if someone tried to sell my mixes. Good on em I say, good musical taste. LOL :D ;)


Registered Member
Dec 28, 2001
Whats the solution though?

Its okay saying youd like to have words with the scroat, but realistically theres nothing you can do.

Please dont let this kick off some pay-per-download site, cos I got heartedly sick of my favourite sites going this way regarding samples and accapella's and mixes over the last 5 or 6 years and would be devastated to see this place go the same in some attempt to curb dodgy people selling mixes.

People out of thier kindness submit hard toiled over mixes to this website, and it really annoys me how people taint the whole vibe that stems from this site as a free community and exchange.

The site is starting to become a scavenging site, with people soley intrested in 'how much' and doing trades, and claiming its been a saught after tune and then reselling it on ebay and all that lark, buying up tunes they dont even like just cos it goes for a bomb, and now people selling other peoples mixes theyve created and shared out the goodness of thier hearts for the scene.

This is obviously a member on here otherwise the mixes section doesnt show up, and Im quite saddened by that fact. It could be a single post passer by though couldnt it, so perhaps it may be necessary to rack up quality posts over a regular period to download mixes or be limited to three a month. Im not sure what the answer is, I dont want ANYTHING to change becuase of some money grabber.

This is unfortunately the way the world works though, so theres no point going off on one by anybody is there. I suppose people now have to decide if they are happy uploading mix sets which others are going to make money from, and leave it upto them to decide in the knowledge that this goes on here. If it was properly labelled and recognised as the said DJ then atleast the DJ would get recognition for the mix, but that may not even be happening!. May be even claiming them as thier own.

Ah well, worst things happen at see eh.



Staff member
Jul 15, 2001
these things happen unfortunately but oh well if people r gonna b daft enough to pay it

as for ur views sirius totally agree with ya in sum ways altho for a while now ive been planning on adding a subscriptions stylee thing to the forum mainly to help contribute to the server costs this will include lots of things like a @oldskoolanthemz.com email addy, avatars, custom titles etc and also another dj mixes section which will have mixes in there not available in the other section of the site


New member
Nov 6, 2002
butty said:
these things happen unfortunately but oh well if people r gonna b daft enough to pay it

Exactamundo! If people are daft enough to buy somat they can get for free, then fair play to the kid thats coinin off their stupid backs.

Doesn't really harm anyone but the pocket of the dinks payin for em really.

If someone tried sellin one of my mixes I'd stuck up..I'd take it as a compliment ( when I'd got my breath back from pissin my sides )


Registered Member
Dec 28, 2001
A bit of good old fashioned morality and comradary would be too much to ask obviously. :rolleyes:

I suppose its okay too when good citizens clean up bad area's for people unpaid, only for them same immoral lazy fuckwits to dwell there to litter the place again, afterall why should they care if the place is a shit-tip? - somebody eventually cleans it up for them everytime right? :rolleyes:

Well, yeah, fool them for buying them......however do they know what they are buying? How are they sold, what are they titled as and credited too? Some people trust people you know, its crazy but true. Is paying for anything 'stupid'? Is downloading album after album and not contributing NADA to the scene and music bizz good, and people who actually go to a store and occasionaly buy a tune stupid cos they can get it for free?. What road does this lead us down?.

Anyway, bollocks to it. The good nature of people has been taken advantage of in my opinion (whether they are bothered or not) and now another boys club is about to be born partially on the back of it. Shit happens I suppose.

Despite how saddened I am, I suppose the people who have contributed the mixes over the years have let it become public domain, so the risk is always out there. It doesnt excuse some peoples lack of scruples though.
unscrupulous (adj). Devoid of scruples; oblivious to or contemptuous of what is right or honorable.

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:fekked: i understand where your coming from Sirius fellow, it is bare faced :moonie: and not far on true lovers of music, just money grabbing T**TS
A similar thing happend to me on another site i used to go on. And a member for a couple of years, somone doing the same thing. So they started a monthly charge and loads of members just left and just chatted on MSN. :(

Hope we can all get to the bottom of this and sort it one way or another :cops:


Registered Member
Dec 28, 2001
nowthen said:
Thats what I have printed in my passport under occupation!:p

Beats mine:

Occupation: Old Fashioned English Northerner of a Bygone Era.

Its a dying occupation, really, the government should do something about it, yet its really something an Albanian or African cannot ever be fully skilled as for 1/3rd the wage. lol. Its a unique thing.
