people watching!!!!

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Active member
Sep 6, 2001
north west london
this is a fave hobby of mine. really fancy myself as the amateur psychologist. Was out in a bar last night with me mate mark. There was a pretty boy model type sitting behind us watching liverpool beat chelsea ( :) ). he had a vague arrogant kinda vacant bored look about him. Eventually he was joined by a skinny wait model type girl. Who looked really pleased to see him. He just sat there watching tele and she found them a table downstairs (to eat) he reluctantly went with her. I turned to my mate mark and said "he's gonna dump her tonight." he said " you reckon". i said "deffo". an hour later. They came back up and he chose a seat in the corner. If you could have seen the body language. Sure enough after 5 mins she was screaming at him and he was smoking and still looking bored. lol. felt sorry for her. Then there was moments of silence when neither said anything. Then they eventually left. she was slightly wobbly I reckon she'd seen it coming and got pissed.

Another time me and a mate were listening to people in a pub talking and later on that night they were in the same club as us. I went over to them and said 'hello you;re getting a piano delivered tommorrow and your bored with your girlfriend etc. ' the look on their faces they were well baffled

my piece de resistance has to be sitting in a restaurant with my ex around xmas time and watching this mad scene unfold outside. A woman had obviously drank to much at a works do and was attempting to flying kick two of her colleagues in the head. it was hysterical. it was like she was on angel dust. three of them wrestled her to the ground and eventually police and ambulance turned up. All i could think was. how will she face them at work. :S :S anyone else listen to other conversations etc.
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bunny girl

New member
Feb 17, 2003
I tell you what I like doing watching people and doing the conversations for them of course it requires 2 of you to watch! i'm always poeple watching.sometimes I get overwhelming feeling of sorrow for folks you watch and other times a instant dislike weird in't it? :eek:

I like to think I can suss people's personalities out of I watch them for long enough ;) and to be fair I aint been wrong yet, but the look on their faces when I tell them what sort of a person they are :eek: lol Ive had it done to me to and its quite freaky, its amazing how much we give away with our body language and the way we say things....Im fascinated by all this

Remember Watching, I thought that programme was ace and also watched Amelie the other day - what a cracking film that was :thumbsup: she people watches in that too :) incase anyone was wondering why I mentioned it ;)
bunny girl said:
I tell you what I like doing watching people and doing the conversations for them of course it requires 2 of you to watch! i'm always poeple watching.sometimes I get overwhelming feeling of sorrow for folks you watch and other times a instant dislike weird in't it? :eek:

I know exactly what you mean. Sometimes I get this really creepy feeling when you watch someone that freaks you out :| its horrible. I remember once when I was working as a waitress in a coffee bar (that much is true lol ;)) this girl came, she was quite normal, average looking and all that. But I couldnt serve her as she just freaked me out, and the horrible thing about it was that she sensed my freakiness about her and instead of having lunch, she just had a drink and quite quickly left....I felt a bit bad but I couldnt wait for her to leave.....:(

Miss C

New member
May 18, 2003
New York
bunny girl said:
I get overwhelming feeling of sorrow for folks you watch and other times a instant dislike weird in't it? :eek:

Its like when you watch homeless or similar people. Theres so many weirdo's in huddersfield bus station its great entertainment. I was watching this couple the other day in the bus st. n they looked really poor n scruffy, typical, young, her pushing a pram, greasy hair, dirty face n dishevelled clothes etc, the guy kept pulling small change out of his pocket n counting it n she kept elbowing him n telling him 'no', i watched for a bit longer n he started to walk away from her towards the kiosk, n she shouted at the top of her voice, 'what are you wasting money on a sandwich for, we cant afford' n i felt so sorry for them, like i just wanted to go up n giv em my coat n a 5er or sumat. Its funny watchin the homeless pissheads who hang around the bus st. as well, you've gotta b careful not 2 look like your staring tho or you get started on


New member
Jun 20, 2002
i like watchin the customers in our work when there waiting to be sreved, and ive got to know how they react when there waiting. wot i do is see who's wating and look like there in a rush and then say to them i wont be a min, go into the wharehouse for 2 min n come bk.