Petrol - pay at pumps quezzie

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Anyone know if your card is checked BEFORE you put petrol in ?

Reason why I ask is that I've just noticed paypal has mullered my credit card by withdrawing 300 quid for a paypal dispute on a cdj I sold (it was fuckin working when I posted it !!! :mad: ).

I used my card & lunchtime before paypal made the claim & have checked my online banking & the claim is taken against my card now... :cry:

I reckon I've got until 5PM before the card is frozen... it's like a super-market sweep... :( BUT I obviously wanna make sure the card works before I fill up...

EVERYTHING's gone wrong finance wise this month... overdraft zapped & card overlimit due to a paypal claim... :S

I say go back to bartering... it's easier...


New member
Jul 15, 2001
They deffo check your card before you fill up (at Morrisons anyway) - the card gets checked and then they tell you how much you can spend.
Righty-ho.... my card worked... ;) *phew*

I brimmed (& I mean brimmed until it spilled out my tank) me motor & got enough fish & meat & household stuff to last me to the 6th...

I've prolly ruined my credit rating for a year or so but I could not give 2 fucks...

I've got EVERYTHING with Halifax (Mortage, Current Account, Credit Card) which seeing the news today is the an indication of the reason why they pulled my overdraft as mentioned here :

If Halifax hadn't arbitarily withdrew my overdraft I would not have to abuse their credit card ;)

Many thanks to those who offered me dosh :love: It's most appreciated but:

a) I should be alright given I've stocked up
b) I refuse to let a single penny be deposited into my Halifax account - the cunts

Worst comes to the worst I'll have to sell my new svelte bod for cash :gigolo:

I'm frantically trying to sort out a Nat West Current Account (RBOS are bitter rivals to HBOS so it's an extra sweetener) & I have 100 quid in petrol expenses I've told work to hold onto until I give them the new account details.

My Halifax mortgage I literally just switched last month to a 3 year fixed rate so should be protected from the Lloyds / HBOS saga...

Jesus.... all good fun innit ! :crazy:

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