Please help me boycott bassgenerator records

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New member
i'm with Nathan on this one, Anyone selling a vinyl with a round cigarette burn in the main mix for £4.99 starting bid is a crook if they don't mention it.

He claimed to me he'd not seen it, so i gave him negative,
Fair enough if he doesn't listen to every vinyl on a record deck for the full side to check for snap,crackel & pop

but bloody hell!!!


New member
Jul 18, 2001
right behind you nathan.

pisses me off this, the seller's more arsed about their feedback that sorting customers out. and there's nothing more petty that sellers waiting for buyers to leave feedback before leaving theirs. I agree as buyer you can do no more than pay straight away which deserves positive feedback.

p.s the paying ovr the odds through paypal thing, there's usually a box where you can put in dicounts etc..just put -2.00 or whatever it is in there.


Active member
Sep 9, 2002
Was Manchestoh, Now Yorkshire
Ive never had a problem with Guy, and I mustve been buying off him for about 4 years or so..

Sometimes the records are in reasonable condition, and the service can be a bit slow, but he's never skanked me and we've had some pleasant conversations about tunes over the years. He has also been flexible on postage when Ive ordered in bulk

:thumbsup: :thumbsup:


Active member
Sep 6, 2001
north west london

blue jammer said:
I'm assuming you are referring to this:

I think their term 'public forum' relates to eBay itself, as it's public, ie anyone can view the feedback.

If you had thought it meant this forum, I can't see how that would be possible, when you created this thread 9th March 2005, 07:09 PM and they replied to your e-mail at Wednesday, March 09, 2005 3:27 PM (unless they own a time machine?)

Just reading through the whole thread and it sounds like you have just gone off on a rant without much thought.

Sorry if this comes across as judging you, but having seen the way you go off about things without thinking them through (whining about Microsoft when it wasn't them at fault) makes me wonder.

Had you left them feedback without much contact from your part? As that is unfair if you have, they seem genuine in wanting to have sorted you out with a refund, if you've not allowed or delayed your response to that, and then left feedback first, then that's out of order.

Again, I'm just guessing, as I don't know you, or your actions.

Btw, I don't work for them lol, but I'm just giving a different viewpoint.

Hope you manage to get it resolved anyhow.

Edit to add:

So I take it from that comment that you didn't go ahead with the refund, and you've kept the records? :axe:

If that is the case, that's you just being lazy. If you're not prepared to meet them halfway, then I agree with the feedback they've left you.

That you don't understand me at all after all this time. Hope you'll never be during jury service if I'm up in court lol. There is a lot more to it. Guy sending emails saying he's going on holiday and then denying it later. Ages passing between emails etc. But then I shouldn't have to explain to you what these people are like. Its not the first time I've had to return records to them. Have a butchers at the last email I got and see if you agree with their personal insults.........

We’ve been trading on ebay for over 3 years now, 15 years in total so guess what?
I’ve heard all of this before!
If you want to be a dick about it that’s your problem!
It’s only a silly little mistake I offered you a refund on the tunes if you don’t want the money back that’s your problem.
You never asked for a refund on the extra postage, you put messages at the bottom of the paypal payments assuming that I read them, postage discounts are stated in the listing and combining invoices stated in our payment details email.

Your replies are too childish for me to bother wasting my time arguing with you as you haven’t grasped my point in the email I sent.
But I’ve got 5 minutes spare so....

Very happy you have contacted me regarding this. I find you totally unprofessional and out of order. Neutral feedback is the least you deserved after sending me records that are not what I wanted and even if i did they(it) were(was) unplayable (there was nothing wrong with the electric choc 12” it wasn’t stated as being the original) and NO neutral feedback is not the same as negative feedback. (yes it is when it is a complaint, user look at complaints whether they are neutral or negative)
Answer me two questions. ...

why should I have to go out of my way and repackage the records and go to the post office in my own time and using my money because of your mistake? Who knows how long I'd be waiting for a refund from you, I know its been a huge hassle in the past. (what so your holding a past grudge!?? I see! , you should return them so I can refund you and keep you happy it’s just a little mistake don’t take it so personally)

2) I paid over the odds for post and packaging and you made no effort to refund me the difference.
(you never asked, you assumed I read comments at the bottom of the paypal payment messages which I don’t!)
Instead you replied saying you were going on holiday and had too much on.(when? I’ve not been on holiday??)
So answer me this. If I paid in full via paypal immediately why does that give you the right to leave me negative feedback?(because you are in breech of our trading terms, read them)
Isn't that really childish and petty of you.
(no we’re are protecting our business’ reputation, you have made an unnecessary complaint in a public forum)
After all there isn't really much I can do better as a buyer is there? (you could try being nice and not making something out of nothing) I suggest you start selling in smaller quantities or employ more staff cause your service is well below standard (3 1/2 years trading on ebay 30000+ items sold to 9800+ customers with 121 problems of which over 100 were petty little gripes and whinges over nothing, as far as I’m concerned negative feedback is reserved for liars timewasters thieves rip off merchants and people who ignore trading terms cos they think they no better) and you know what? Since your leaving me negative feedback I have discovered quite a few people who are very unhappy with your service(really! I’ve heard it all before mate!). Would you like to see their comments about you?(yes love too!)
Cause I have considered your actions a personal insult I intend to let as many people know as possible about the way you have treated me. (be careful what you say!)


Active member
Sep 6, 2001
north west london

the next email i recieved from them was offering to retract the feedback and a paypal refund. So standing up for yourself isn't a crime Mr jammer. Sometimes its worth it. People like this profit from a natural english 'oh I can't be bothered to argue' attitude. I took a picture of one of the scratched records they sent me last night if I have the time I will upload it


Active member
Sep 6, 2001
north west london
just recieved

I’d like to apologise for going off on one at you but I have decided to act this way to any user who I believe to be in breach of our trading terms by making unnecessary complaints in our feedback.
We are trying to run a business that just manages to keep a roof over our heads and anyone who threatens our living will be treated accordingly.

I've had a few from BG without any trouble - in fact, I'd guess that most of us active old school collectors have dealt with the majority of the big bay listers over the past few years - most of em are sound.

Always sad to hear stories like this - I have to agree with Nathan though... if I received a dodgy piece of vinyl, I would expect the seller to offer some sort of compromise. It happened to me recently on a Detroit pack (couple of skippers in a 12 piece deal) and mr Think.Quick (top top fella) just said... get em back to me, free postage on next win. That, to me, was a fair compromise. All happy.

I always like to resolve things pleasantly - not had a serious bad trade yet - pure luck?

Seeing as we all use ebay so much, would it be useful to have an "ebay trader warning" sticky thread? Just an idea.


Active member
Feb 15, 2003
sunshine on Leith, via Watford
lastnightadj said:
I like to refer to them as "The Baylords" :D

Selling in volume is no excuse for shit service though - the opposite infact

I agree with this comment - its very easy to list too many items and it then goes tits up and a struggle to manage- ebay should never be used in such a way as to be the main income you earn - the system is awash with dodgy bidders and dodgy sellers alike.


blue jammer

New member
Dec 9, 2003
Just noticed, I see you've 'mutually agreed to withdraw feedback' on those two txns:


Reply by cometogether2: why leave me negative feedback. I paid you immediately and over the odds :(
Follow-up by bassgeneratorrecords: paying doesn't make you a good customer! theres more to it, be nice! dont moan
Rating Withdrawn: Buyer and seller mutually agreed to withdraw feedback for this item.

Reply by cometogether2: you constantly send wrong or heavily marked records. Totally inpersonal service
Follow-up by bassgeneratorrecords: were human! mistakes happen,apologies made, refund offered, freindship not!
Rating Withdrawn: Buyer and seller mutually agreed to withdraw feedback for this item.

Have you kissed and made up then? Heh :D


Active member
Sep 6, 2001
north west london
not really lol

blue jammer said:
Just noticed, I see you've 'mutually agreed to withdraw feedback' on those two txns:


Reply by cometogether2: why leave me negative feedback. I paid you immediately and over the odds :(
Follow-up by bassgeneratorrecords: paying doesn't make you a good customer! theres more to it, be nice! dont moan
Rating Withdrawn: Buyer and seller mutually agreed to withdraw feedback for this item.

Reply by cometogether2: you constantly send wrong or heavily marked records. Totally inpersonal service
Follow-up by bassgeneratorrecords: were human! mistakes happen,apologies made, refund offered, freindship not!
Rating Withdrawn: Buyer and seller mutually agreed to withdraw feedback for this item.

Have you kissed and made up then? Heh :D

But he had me by the short and curlies really the dodgy git. Cause I left neutral and then he left two big negatives at the top of my feedback list. It looked ugly so he left me with no choice really which is probably how he gets everyone to remove their feedback :(