Raves: Still Alive?

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New member
Mar 18, 2002
Hey guys....just wondering about the rave scene........is there one anymore? Well over here in California the rave scene has gone to shit. The media jacked it up, law enforcement has gone way over board, and it's way, way, way, too comercialized!! If I do happen to go to a party now all I see is cracked out teenyboppers laying all over the floor in "E" puddles! I miss the old vibes and the good times. I have been going to clubs such as Giant, Spundae, and RED now. So, are raves over there pretty much going downhill..or non existant? Oh ya.....is there still such a thing as UNDERGROUND?!!:confused: heehee.....just wondering.:dummy:



New member
Mar 18, 2002
doolz said:
dunno bout ne proper raves
but there are some underground things goin down
on the whole tho no no real raves imo even with the current oldskool revival the crappy super clubs dominate blurgh

Well, don't get me wrong, I love going to clubs and everything, but I miss the good ol vibe and all the fun I had.....I know that raves are not what they used to be. So there is underground......yay!:mad: But wait.....I have to go all the way over there....haha.:crazy: I wish.....



Registered Member
Dec 28, 2001
Good grief!. So the same thing thats happened to us is happening over there where you are too!! :(.

Dont know about anyone else, or whether Im talking out my arse (again) because I wasnt actually "there" in '88-'91, but it seemed to me that poeple then were going out more for the music and vibe/excitement than anything else.
The thing is like 'something you do' these days to the vast majority of the public - Pubs and Cheesey clubs especially:

1) Go out tarted up to the eyeballs / in decent gear or u wont get in the door or 'pull'.

2) Stand around acting like some sort of tough guy who would kick someones head in if they looked remotely in your direction.

3) Dont really give a toss about what the djs playing as long as you can spill your beer in time to the beat whilst you stagger in a pis*ed state after someone who caught your eye two hours ago.

4) Do the 'Macarena' to some current cheesey pop song that put out a tacky 'dance' remix to make some money.

5) Get in a drunken argument with at least one person before the night ends.

6) Go and find some dodgy looking Kebab House and try and not notice how the asian guy behind the counter is laughing AT you rather than WITH you....then leave and get a taxi home.

These are just my observations, and of course I have been guilty too.

"Yeah, I like dance music - I went clubbing at the weekend down at Poncy Sams' Discotheque." Plebs.
Its just the saturday night 'thing to do' Im afraid and its killing it all off in my area. Why open a dedicated fresh dance music venue when you can pull in all the muppets like this week in week out?.

Is this the situ over there?. I thought it was looking promising over there in the states for the underground dance scene (is it Twilo where Sasha and Digweed tear it up?). Oh well what goes around......The police are doing the usual "Music of the devil" and "Everyone who goes to raves are on drugs" routine I suppose.
As for open air raves, you can forget it. The last remotely 'rave' thing I went to was Love Parade at Leeds and danced away to the man like Sasha in the pouring rain last thing at night. Good day out on the whole really, apart from the litter!.

Keep it real and it will never die.

Yeah, youve guessed it, I have had a rotten depressing day today!!!!!. So ignore my ramblings.



New member
Nov 11, 2001
Your pretty much spot on there sirius m8, I started going out in 93 so caught some of the underground feel and Bowlers then til it started going down hill late 96 was stille pretty much in the vein that what was important was the musice, making friends, loved up vibe etc etc.

Nowadays I get fekked off with the beer drinking dressed up muppets and the harsh search that the animal security put you trhough. I will ONLY go to nights / events where you can wear what you want, the tunes are old skool / classic piano and everyone is friendly because that is how I remember it and that is what I love it for.

God, I'm rambling now but for once I am sure I am right,


Registered Member
Dec 28, 2001
Yeaah Boyyyy!. Thats my sentiments m8. If I cant wear mi jacket and trainers then fuk 'em. It'l be shirt and tie next!.

Me, Im Sick of all that over £5 to get searched by bouncers and ripped off all night for drinks, packed in like sardines (to fire hazzard levels - where you cant even move your arm to take a sip of your drink) and where they leave all the radiators on even though its 80c in there - to make you gasp for drinks atmosphere surrounded by f'ing ponces trying to get 'JiggyJiggy' by dancing like a f'ing puff around any females in the room.

I too only try to go out to nights where the music will be pukka and a good atmosphere which is void of Dickwads. The only trouble is these are few and far between and you have to go to these places to keep your mates!!!, cos theres F all round here but club cheese....

Saying that, a new place opened up recently relatively near and I havent had the lowdown yet. Its where Club-XPO-Bar was and its another play on the Angels/Heaven etc name 'Afterlife' I think it is. Maybe its ok, but maybe its another ponce palace..............

See ya,



New member
Nov 11, 2001
Aye, alot of my mates who used to be well into the oldskool scene (when it wasnt called old skool!-God that makes ya feel a bit old!!) are now into:
A) Lets go into Manchester, get dead pissed, maybe argue, get violent, and have a mighty fine hangover the day after. The places they go are full of pretentious Wayne Ankers in their lates clothing and shiny shoes.
b) Lets go to Cream even though its a bag of shite with crap tunes, no luved up behaviour etc etc etc.

Goodtimes is fekkin top in the way that to me it very similar to the old clubs cos everyone is chilled, talking shit, generally off it, waering trainers etc and its all the proper old skool tunes that we love. We need more places like this, its gotta be everyting as their is no point playing old skool but missing out all the other things we like...it has to be like it was and GT does this VERY well.

Whats the fekkin point in all the hevy searches at some other places anyway? Wsate of time and starts the night off badly.

Praise be to the traditional scene and to GT!!!

:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:


Registered Member
Dec 28, 2001
Yeah. Although I understand that the big barstewards on the doors are only doing thier job. The heavy searches are for drugs stashed away I suppose.
What pissed me off once was that I was wearing my jacket and had been to the record shops earlier that day and bundled a load of flyers in my inside pocket cos i used to collect 'em and it was my college coat too. Forgot to take em out and got searched. The guy threatened that if he found a single flyer like these on the floor he would personally 'sort me out' and didnt I look a tit with the guy fishing out biro's and old pencils an that out me pockets!!! :axe:.


New member
Nov 11, 2001
People are always going to be taking stuff into drugs, you know that as well as me m8 and searching for them is a waste of time.

The worst I had was when I had me birds lipstick in my pocket at Bowlers or somewhere else years ago and had to whip that out me pocket!!!!


Registered Member
Dec 28, 2001
Yeah, you cant go out without yer 'Lippy' on m8!!!. Dont fear, the guy would've probably avoided you in future 'cos of that!!!!.



New member
Mar 18, 2002
Sirius and Pacman: you are both right on! I know exactly how ya feel. I like to be able to dance carefree without some dumb ass thinking that I slang E because of the way I dress! haha:rolleyes: What is actually cool about the clubs I go to out here (Giant, Spundae, RED, and Sugar) there isn't an upscale dress code, so you can express yourself any way you want.....and get to listen to the biggest and best djs!:phones: The thing is about these clubs is that the vibe is mixed up. You have the major LA clubbers, ravers, and peeps that just go to hook up. haha. :condom:

About Twilo, I think it is still closed down since last summer. This is due to crap reasons as usual!

When entering these clubs they usually just tell you to put whatever is in your pockets on the table. Guys get patted down.
THat kind of stuff. I really can't stand the drunken bastards that just go around like a dog in heat!:naughty: THat just screws up the vibe...some people just go because the club is popular and they don't even know a damn thing about the music! Posers!

The only time I get basically get strip searched and harrassed is when I attempt to go to these "so called" raves. The security can be so friggin rude sometimes!

Anyways.....enough of my bitching.......you guys feel me....you know what's up! :crazy:
