ILP's easy guide to making mix CD's with seperate tracks.
It's pretty simple, here we go... And this is for a mix like off here that's all one big long track.
1. Get a copy of Cool Edit Pro, or something similar that can handle mp3's
2. Open up the mp3
3. Zoom in a bit near the beginning, there's no point looking at the entire waveform.
4. Use the mouse to select a portion of the file from the beginning to the end of the first track / start of the next track.
5. From the menu, select SAVE SELECTION AS, and call it like Track 1 or something. Make sure you save it as a .wav file, coz mp3s will fuck up and it will not play without pausing for a split second between the tracks. As you might have guessed, this has saved only the track you just selected.
6. THIS BIT IS IMPORTANT!!! Whatever you do, when it's saved DO NOT de-selected the bit that is selected, but instead just hit delete. This means that the second track will start at the precise moment that the first one ended.
7. Now select the bit you want for your second track - i.e. up to where the third one starts, and repeat steps 5 and 6 until you have got to the end.
8. Open Nero and choose the MAKE AUDIO CD option. Drag all the .wav files over, in order pmsl, and MAKE SURE YOU BURN WITHOUT GAPS BETWEEN THE TRACKS. Depending what version of Nero you have, you will either check a little box, or you might have to edit the details of each track (Alt+Enter) and set the pause to 0.
9. Hit burn.
10. Put CD in player, and enjoy.