too true about those yanks me and my brother used to make an absolute killing on ebayvia northern.exp / renaissance tunesmy brother even paid of a three week trip to thailand last january on a months profiti turned over about £12K in my first year may01 - may02not any more thoughtrouble is a few years back every one wanted to be a it seems every body is an expert in selling hard to find and collectible vinyls..
too true about those yanks me and my brother used to make an absolute killing on ebay
via northern.exp / renaissance tunes
my brother even paid of a three week trip to thailand last january on a months profit
i turned over about £12K in my first year may01 - may02
not any more though
trouble is a few years back every one wanted to be a dj.......
now it seems every body is an expert in selling hard to find and collectible vinyls..