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whatyadoinsucka said:
Oooooh you cheeky monkey you - I thought that was my secret !! Found it last week but kept forgetting to bring me card into work to order..... saw yr post & shat it thinking someone must've ordered it over w/e....just phoned & they still got it (allegedly) so ordered tout suite :D Confirmed 3 times it was deffo the BCM issue - if any other label comes thru I'm gonna scream :mad:

Lol P

New member
Feb 24, 2003
St Albans, Hertfordshire
Yeah the Original is the best (DANCEFLOOR SYNDROMAD MIX )! The Hype groove mix pretty long slow build up then halfway through is given a really beefy 4 to the floor mix up. Justy picks things up a little! On my version it's the next tune on the same side:thumbsup: