soundforge, before you convert to mp3 you need to press "process" then "normalize". There is a pull down menu where you should select the -16db (music) setting. This should sort it for you
dunno why changing the eq hasnt made any difference though:S thing you have got to make sure is that you dont have the input too loud, this will make it sound really bassy and give a generally shite rip. In soundforge, check out the peak levels on the right hand side and adjust your soundcard's line in so that only the main beat comes anywhere near the top of the indicator. Normalizing will cure some of this but if there is too much shite there in the first place it will still sound crap. Try a few times with the same tune until you are happy with the levels in the final mp3 and you know what kind of levels to look for in soundforge.
Yeah! Its the DADDY of all mother-funkin recorders m8. Non of this kiddys piant by numbers shit for me lol.
To be honest, cooledit does everything i want it to very well. I used to use GoldWave about 6 years ago but I dont think thats even going anymore!.
Too be honest, Ive never seen musicmatch. Im a bit behind of late. Last thing I was gonna try was Stienbergs 'get it on cd' 2. Had some unique functions at the time from what I remember.
I use CoolEdit pro, but Im not so keen on there 'Normalise', everytime i use it, i notice it effects the hi e.q range slightly! especially on the 'Hi hat' part of a tune!! So i try and normalise myself!!