lol recently in a moment of extreme cheesiness and lots of wine I sent my missus the lyrics to 'have I told you lately that I love you' by van morrison. Yes cheesetastic I know. But not being from round these parts she thought it was a poem I'd written about me and her lol and it made her cry and she kept telling me how great I was. I toyed with the idea of not saying anything and my mate matthew said 'it's fine as long as she never gets to hear magic fm' lol. I n the end I fessed up and she was totally cool about it and loved it non the less. Which brings me on to dilemma number two. I am meeting my ex for a drink soon we usually meet once a year around xmas as she now lives in berlin. There is no chemistry whatsoever between us and there never really was much in the first place. I can't see why i should tell my current girlfriend about this really. What do you think. I can't see how she'll find out either and I don't want to make her paranoid. I know I'd probably feel a bit weird about her meeting up with an ex.