First thing Id do after calling the cops and crying like a baby (like the cops do fek all anymore) is phone every swap shop, cash generator, record shop in my area I can think of to see if the scroat has tried selling them, and to ask if someone comes in with a load of tunes to keep them waiting.........
Then, after right royal ruccas, Id prolly find and key the gits car for final retaliation (ensuring no CCTV is in operation of course
It depends if I got my tunes back of course, if I didnt, then I wont like to say what Id do..........
That reminds me, Im off to buy that industrial chain and a few padlocks from B&Q..............
Take my hifi, my decks, anything, but dont touch my tunes!. I dont have the risk of playing out so Im not as at risk as some fortunately.