Sleeping during the day?

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blue jammer

New member
Dec 9, 2003
I've worked nights for years and up until a year and a half ago, I was fine and could sleep for 6-7 hours in the day, get up and be ready for another nightshift.

Nowadays, I'm lucky if I get 2-3 hours :cry:

It's working nights all this time that's fucked me up, and I'm so chuffed that I've only 6 more nights to do, as 2nd July I'm working days, so I'll be sleeping at night, like the majority of the population, hurrah!

I think though, your probably not getting deep sleep, as if you're having what 8 hours at night, and are still tired and wanting a nap in the day, that's wrong isn't it? If you wake up a lot through the night, then you'll not be getting the best sleep.

I always found when I used to work days that if you knacker yourself out by midnight or 1am, you'll sleep right through till 6 or 7.

Horlicks or Hot Chocolate before bed might do the trick.
blue jammer said:
Horlicks or Hot Chocolate before bed might do the trick.

yeah either that or reading throu cams posts (j/k bud)

i function best when i have hardly had any sleep, even thou i end up looking like a dawn of the dead reject i seem to have more energy throughout the day.
if i have a good 7/8 hours and get up sparra fart then i end up fekked come 2 in the afternoon :confused:
i can be knackered all day and want to sleep but not as to try and get to sleep at a normal time, but then the later it gets the more i begin to wake up :crazy: