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Now ive got your attention :D

For the past month Paddy (me sisters boyfriend) has been growin a swarve tash on behalf of me (if anyones seen my face they will understand that facial hair isnt one of my strong points) for Movember

For those that dont know Movember is a charity for prostate cancer and it involves growing a lip warmer for the whole month of November

I know its chrimbo and all that and everyones pepped but if yas can even put in a couple of dibs it would be most appreciated, me dads recently been diagnosed with prostate cancer and as well as it being for a good cause it also has made Paddy look like a right tw#t so it has been a good mission all round

The link to the donation page is here:

Movember United Kingdom - Home

And here is a pic of Ian Huntley i mean Paddys hard work :D