Splitting Large MP3 Mixes

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Active member
Sep 9, 2002
Was Manchestoh, Now Yorkshire
Anybody do this regularly?

I've a binload of mixes I want to play in the car and I wouldn't mind splitting them into individual tracks so I can skip back and forward without hassle

What's the best software to use?


Barrie Jay

Active member
Jul 20, 2003
Fleetwood - twinned with Royston Vasey
Use Soundforge - sure you can get err hum a ropey copy on the net.

Import big file, cut where you want track 1 to end, save the cut at Track one then delete it. Do the same again where you want Track 2 to end and cut, save the track at Track 2 and so on (if you name the tracks with Title/Artist details some CDs and most PCs will bring the titles up too.

When done burn them at all to CD - IMPORTANT - save with no gap between the tracks for a continuous tracked mix. Pain in the ass to do but it works.

Same principal whatever editing software you use.

There is software where you can simply drop markers at the track change points but I can never get them to work as I want them.


Active member
Jul 9, 2002
What Barrie said abive ^^^

If you want to burn the tracks to a CD and play with no gaps make sure you save the individual tracks as wavs. If you save them as mp3, you'll still get gaps even if you burn with no gaps between the tracks. :thumbsup: