I've managed to get hold of a couple of rarities which I've already got. They are Wood Allen - Co-Imperial (5 mix original Groove Groove Melody release) and Bad Boy Orchestra - Hip Hop Salsa (original 4 mix 1988 Smokin' release with acapella). Wood Allen is in mint condition, Bad Boy Orchestra is un-played - I haven't even played it myself. Both are Hard To Find fifty quiders (not that I saying this the best of guides) and that's at whatever dubious vinyl quality HTFR usually sell at.
Anyway the reason I got them is for swaps. So before I try selling them I was wondering if anyone fancied doing a trade - multi-coloured swap shop stylee.
Tunes I'm after are:
Alanis Morrisette - Forgive Me, Hybrid Remix (White)
Banco De Gaia - Last Train To Lhasa LP (Planet Dog)
Capella - Be Master In One's House (Media) MR 556
Capella - Be Master In One's House, Remix (Media) MR 568
DMC 5/91 incl OMD Souvenir BIR remix
EMF - It's You, 13.5% extra mix, They're Here, D:Ream Mix (Parlophone 12RXDJ6327)
Meeting Place - House from the World
Q-words - That choice
Don't know if that's any use to anyone.
Anyway the reason I got them is for swaps. So before I try selling them I was wondering if anyone fancied doing a trade - multi-coloured swap shop stylee.
Tunes I'm after are:
Alanis Morrisette - Forgive Me, Hybrid Remix (White)
Banco De Gaia - Last Train To Lhasa LP (Planet Dog)
Capella - Be Master In One's House (Media) MR 556
Capella - Be Master In One's House, Remix (Media) MR 568
DMC 5/91 incl OMD Souvenir BIR remix
EMF - It's You, 13.5% extra mix, They're Here, D:Ream Mix (Parlophone 12RXDJ6327)
Meeting Place - House from the World
Q-words - That choice
Don't know if that's any use to anyone.