t shirts, mouse mats and such like

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Staff member
Jul 15, 2001
im in the middle of sortin out a osa stylee shop type thing as dannys t shirts went down a bomb. ive found somewhere that will do them to order as they come in and deal with all the online sale shippin n all that. the crap bit is is the base price is already pretty high on em so they aint gonna be cheap the reason being is they are done to order rather than bulkly done off. i was hoping to add a couple of quid on here and there to put some wonga towards the osa coffers but not too arsed as id rather use it to help get the osa name out n about.

anyways im jus wondering what you guys would expect to pay for things like a t shirt, mouse mat, mug lol and stuff with the osa logo on it full colour printed.

also can anyone think of owt random i can put on them. i was some other stuff aswel as the osa logo on them??

at the mo there only white ones coz im jus gettin me head round all the diffrent printing options. but im hoping to be able to sort different colour ones and all that jazz

your opinons and thoughts are welcome. much obliged :fekked:

o ps does anyone want a osa thong or umberella lol


Active member
butty said:
im in the middle of sortin out a osa stylee shop type thing as dannys t shirts went down a bomb. ive found somewhere that will do them to order as they come in and deal with all the online sale shippin n all that. the crap bit is is the base price is already pretty high on em so they aint gonna be cheap the reason being is they are done to order rather than bulkly done off. i was hoping to add a couple of quid on here and there to put some wonga towards the osa coffers but not too arsed as id rather use it to help get the osa name out n about.

anyways im jus wondering what you guys would expect to pay for things like a t shirt, mouse mat, mug lol and stuff with the osa logo on it full colour printed.

also can anyone think of owt random i can put on them. i was some other stuff aswel as the osa logo on them??

at the mo there only white ones coz im jus gettin me head round all the diffrent printing options. but im hoping to be able to sort different colour ones and all that jazz

your opinons and thoughts are welcome. much obliged :fekked:

o ps does anyone want a osa thong or umberella lol

dont most people have optical mouses mice vermin wotever these days?

t shirts i spose 15squid if theyre good quality ones cant think of owt else watchin footy:crazy:


Staff member
Jul 15, 2001
they do car stickers but not slipmatts at the mo mate. i could look at gettin em done in bulk then distributing n all that sheet meself but to be honest i cant b riggoted lol and so im thinkin il jus let this other site deal with it all

and woody ta for the thought. il prolly b stickin on a ok quality t shirt at a ten spot and a better quality one at 15. the base price for some of the stuff is stupid ie a mugs base price is 9 quid odd without me addin owt onto it. spose its the way they print it onto the muggage tho that costs. buggers

Northern Star

Staff member
May 10, 2004
On Cloud 9!!!
Wouldnt have a clue on prices id pay for stuff like that i usually just nick mouse mats n stuff from work lol ;)

Think woody is right for the tee price thats average for a quality tee on the web :thumbsup:

like the idea of undies though.....even though no one will see them ;)

badges n keyrings always go down well too :thumbsup: get urself a kiddy diy kit from the early learning centre will work out much cheaper :rofl:


New member
Aug 1, 2003
woody said:
spot the blonde:D :p

Errm no actually Woody I think you will find we aint all as lazy as some people and have wireless mouses I would take a guess that more people have wired mouses than paying extra out for a wireless mouse just so ya can sit in bed and surf the net :mad:


New member
Nov 6, 2002
ilovepiano said:
Top idea Butty, and you deffo got to do car stickers :thumbsup:

I'd have a car sticker although I dont usually bother with em.

Laugh me bollocks off when I see ones with weed leaves an 'take me to ya dealer' an that on em....might as well drive round the plod shop an hand yerself in. :rolleyes:

Remember them 'on a mission' ones....oh dear.

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