Takin the cats to the vets

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Joker Jen

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VIP Gold Member
Oct 8, 2001
Secret Location in Gotham City
Optional but helpful Step 1 – gain assistance from a gud m8
Step 1 - buy a new cat travellin box (cos u lent urs 2 ur brother's mother in law)
Step 2 - leave the newly bought box in the car until the last possible moment)
Step 3 - change the catflap so they can get in but not out
Step 4 - wait 4 em 2 wander thro the catflap
Step 5 - 20 mins l8r wonder if they r gonna come in
Step 6 - 10 mins l8rm get stressed that they have got wind of the visit
Step 7 - rattle tin of cat food so they think it's tea time
Step 8 - put food down in the hope that it'll persuade em 2 come in
Step 9 - worry where they r
Step 10 - open the back door & call em lovingly
Step 11 - worry where they r
Step 12 - consider callin the vets 2 cancel
Step 13 - see 1 in the bushes
Step 14 - rattle tin of cat food
Step 15 - 1 of em wanders thro the door
Step 16 - call the other 1 lovingly
Step 17 - shut the door cos the 1's that's in will get out
Step 18 - rattle tin again
Step 19 - the other 1 appears from nowhere
Step 20 - call the 1 that's left
Step 21 - pray as he draws near
Step 22 - as soon as in range grab hold & don't let go
Step 23 - open the door & shove him thro as well as urself
Step 24 - breath a huge sigh of relief that u don't have 2 cancel the vets appt again
Step 25 – go out 2 the car & retrieve the cat box
Step 26 – lower cat box 2 floor height & open the front door
Step 27 shove cat box thro the front door (carefully) & get thro asap urself
Step 28 – put cat box down in the middle of the floor
Step 29 – cover cat box in cat nip in the hope that it’ll smell more apeallin 2 cats
Step 30 see the look of horror on the cats’ faces
Step 31 – 1 runs upstairs & the other tries 2 escape thro the cat flap
Step 32 – retrieve the cat from the cat flap, put a heavy box in front of the cat flap, so escapee can’t escape
Step 33 – pick 1st cat up, mind the talons they r out now
Step 34 – try 2 put said cat in the cat box
Step 35 - repeat steps 32,33
Step 36 – after succesful completion of 35 find the other cat
Step 37 – retrieve cat from upstairs, bein careful of talons
Step 39 – try 2 put cat no 2 in cat box without cat no 1 escapin
Step 40 – repeat steps 35 – 39 until successful
Step 41 – put cat box in car
Step 42 – start the jounery (vet’s practise only 5 mins away)
Step 43 - Keep an eye on meowin cats
Step 44 – Sing happily this helps
Step 45 – Open windows 2 stop urself bein sick cos of the smell
Step 46 – Blame the smell on farmers muck spreadin
Step 47 – check on cats
Step 48 – open car window, the smell isn’t down 2 the farmer
Step 49 – the cat makes attempt 2 hide the offendin smell by sittin on it
Step 49 – breathe in thro the window & out in the car
Step 50 - arrive at the vets (5 mins can seem so long)
Step 51 – apologise at the vets 4 the smell
Step 52 – take cat box in2 the vet’s room
Step 53 – apologise 2 the vet’s assistant who has 2 clean out the cat box
Step 54 – vet gives cats once over with no probs
Step 55 – pay the bill
Step 56 – travel home with no interruptions
Step 57 – take cat box upstairs
Step 58 – shut bathroom door
Step 59 – fight with m8 as 2 who has the bog & who has the sink 2 retch in
Step 60 – clean & dry each cat
Step 61 - retrieve cat from attempt on your CLEAN bed
Step 62 – open the cat flap
Step 62 – both cats dive out of the cat flap
Step 63 – remove all clothin & put on a wash in machine
Step 64 – poor urself a large drink
Step 65 – drink said drink & have a moggy free evein (pure cat lovers will worry themselves silly that the cat’s wont’ come back)
Step 66 – feed cats as norm the next morning

Based on a true story cat & joker promotions

P.S. dog owners need not worry this does not apply 2 em!!!


New member
Nov 6, 2002
Cats Eh? Yer gotta love 'em!
Beat dogs hands down I reakon.
Way I look at it, looking after a dog is like having a baby in the house (no matter how old the dog is) whereas having a cat is no bother, give it some munch and a box to poo in, and it does its own thing!


New member
Jul 15, 2001
LMFAO :D Cats are great aren't they.

I think that wierd constant meow noise they make when they go anywhere in a car is when they're really started to get worried (crapping themselves is abviously the next stage!).

Last summer my cat followed me to my Dad's house (he lives about a mile away along a path). Anyway when the cat realised it didn't know where the f*ck it was it, she started making the same noises they make when you take them anywhere in a car - but she kept following me all the same. Anyway this woman appears with a dog, so the cat shot up a tree. I couldn't get her down so I went to my Dad's.
I stopped at my Dad's for a bit then on the way back past the tree I whistled for her, and she meowed, came back down from the tree, and then started to follow me back home - awwww, sweet or what! Anyway someone started coming the other way with a dog again. So rather than repeat the tree scenario, I picked her up (as soon as she saw the dog it was claw central on my chest!). As it happens it the bloke with the dog was someone I know, and he said "taking your cat for a walk are you?", to which I replied "no she just followed me, honest" - I don't think he believed me and I suspect I'm now known as some wierdo who takes their cat for a walk :$


New member
my cat called DAVE......

due to many operations my cat 'dave' is now not allowed out on his own! awwwwwwwwwww he is staying at my mums at the min and she has 2 cats that doo go out! this is a constant battle for her as dave really DOES WANT OUT!!!!! she decided that it was unfair that he couldnt go out as the other 2 were tormenting him from the other side of the glass, soooooo she bought him one of those mad cat leads!!!! lol

she would not have it that he would be out the damn harness in seconds as the fekkers middle name is houdini!!! lol anyway out we go onto the patio just to get the feel of the thing, he hears a noise, jerks back on himself in the harness freeing his front 2 legs, and he's up over the shed and away!!!!! needless to say the harness went in the bin!!! not only from a practical angle, but also with the thought of looking a complete geek in my street!!! the neighbours have enuf reason to think i am strange and point at me as it is!!!!!:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:


New member
Jul 16, 2001
Back oop north!
tall paul said:
We used to have a cat & a dog, and when we took the dog for a walk the cat would quite often come with us too.

My mum used to have a black cat called Jinx before I was born and he used to go to town with her n the bus on a lead. He wouldn't be parted from her and in the house he'd lay on the back of her neck like a scarf apparently.

I wish he'd live dlong enough for me to see it although I've seen pics. :ghost: :ghost:

One of our first dogs (Viva) was lovely, you could piggy back her round the garden. If you squatted down she'd put her front paws on your shoulder and if you picked her up under her bum at the back she'd let you piggy back her round!! :love: :love: Well, my dad anyway, I was too little :$

Viva was my fave :)


New member
Nov 6, 2002
Re: my cat called DAVE......

cat said:
due to many operations my cat 'dave' is now not allowed out on his own! awwwwwwwwwww he is staying at my mums at the min and she has 2 cats that doo go out! this is a constant battle for her as dave really DOES WANT OUT!!!!! she decided that it was unfair that he couldnt go out as the other 2 were tormenting him from the other side of the glass, soooooo she bought him one of those mad cat leads!!!! lol

she would not have it that he would be out the damn harness in seconds as the fekkers middle name is houdini!!! lol anyway out we go onto the patio just to get the feel of the thing, he hears a noise, jerks back on himself in the harness freeing his front 2 legs, and he's up over the shed and away!!!!! needless to say the harness went in the bin!!! not only from a practical angle, but also with the thought of looking a complete geek in my street!!! the neighbours have enuf reason to think i am strange and point at me as it is!!!!!:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

Haha Top name for a pet that..Dave.


New member
Re: Re: my cat called DAVE......

nowthen said:
Haha Top name for a pet that..Dave.

cheers m8. tis not his real name tho. his real name is charlie puss but we all call him DAVE. long story! he also has other psuedonyms (i TRIED to spell it!!!!! lol ........ and looking back at it now think i have got it right!!! *waits for backlash!*)

'fat and ginger'
'orange and daft'
'the ginger bullet'
'mummies special little soldier'
'mumies sammy wee'

strange but true,!! you just couldnt make this crap up could you!!!!!!!!??????lol

cat x:mad: x