that ****ing quizmania on ITV

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Active member
Sep 6, 2001
north west london
What a bunch of thieving gypsy bastards. Does anyone win anything on here ever? Why do people ring up? Are they mad?
Basically this is a late night phone in where you have a word and you have to guess what word you put before or after it to make a catchphrase a bit like blankety blank. Last nights was *blank* car. What i think they do is change the possible answers once people have said them. ie someone guesses right and then they tell them they are wrong and swap the right answer for something else. It can be fixed so easily so that no one wins. What I really want to know is A) do they publish the answers anywhere afterwards and B) Has anyone ever seen anybody win anything decent on it? :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

Northern Star

Staff member
May 10, 2004
On Cloud 9!!!
Dont know about you but the presenters want a piggin smack in the mush :mad: most annoying......they stalll people as well to cram more calls in :naughty: ive seen a few peeps win but not very often like :|

the mere sound of their voices annoy me....had to laugh though the other night i just happened to be flicking the channels and it was the bloke who was on and he recd a call and theay hurled abuse at him live on air looool :p :p good one :thumbsup:


New member
Jul 15, 2001
These are all over Sky during the day, late at night, whatever. Numbers, words, shapes etc. They must be making a friggin fortune.

I complained to Offcom by email when they very first started, because the website they claimed you could see the previous answers / make a entry from was a dead link. They have to make it possible for you to enter for free (like crisp packet offers and the like) because otherwise it's a form of gambling or summat.

Anyhow I got a letter or two from Offcom and someone else who governs premium rate phonelines who investigated, so I'm presuming they no longer have dead links.


Active member
Mar 10, 2006
The posh bit of Liverpool
nice one jonno m8,
fkin big con and there aint two ways about it!

LOL @ Northern Star, i noticed the stalling too, they are talking about the question and go off in a tangent, Eg, Bean *********, and they go on, "who knows could be something a gun does too, or maybe something you eat.... could even be a flicker .......who knows, get calling people, that 5k is waiting to be grabbed.... like a cake in a shop.....hmm bean .....could be a cake???? who knows... then that damn jingle comes on "der derrr da daaaaa" adverts come on so the poor basts on the phone have to wait even longer at their own expense to find out it was nothing even to do with a friggin bean it was all a big trick. the girl presenter is cute tho.......... :D



Active member
Sep 6, 2001
north west london

Stylee said:
nice one jonno m8,
fkin big con and there aint two ways about it!

LOL @ Northern Star, i noticed the stalling too, they are talking about the question and go off in a tangent, Eg, Bean *********, and they go on, "who knows could be something a gun does too, or maybe something you eat.... could even be a flicker .......who knows, get calling people, that 5k is waiting to be grabbed.... like a cake in a shop.....hmm bean .....could be a cake???? who knows... then that damn jingle comes on "der derrr da daaaaa" adverts come on so the poor basts on the phone have to wait even longer at their own expense to find out it was nothing even to do with a friggin bean it was all a big trick. the girl presenter is cute tho.......... :D


fell off my chair when someone won £4000 last night. Was probably the presenters sister:mad:


New member
May 8, 2003
i think its funny! the people that ring in are usually stupid and the 'speed round' cracks me up. personally id neva call in cos im not daft enuff and am fully aware these things are a total con but if ya hate it that much why not turn ya tv off n do summat else!!!! :p :thumbsup:


New member
Aug 29, 2005
yeah man ive seen it a few times theres a channel on cable just for quiz games like that. its always the same type off ppl that ring up "dave from birmingham n yyvone from n.irleland" plus they always get it wrong. crazy fools :ba: i carnt say i have got ne right yet though :$


Registered Member
Dec 28, 2001
nathan said:
What a bunch of thieving gypsy bastards.

Excuse me?!! I think you need to watch Schindlers list again bud...... ;)

By the sounds of this program, I would probably hate it..... and it gets me thinking, you know these people who win cars and stuff like in the TV guide promotion, or through Persil or whoever.....they show a glossy picture of the happy winners stood next to thier new Fiesta in suburbia......but who are they? Was there a car? Are they actors? Is the fishing rod bait of a car/£100 hidden inside/whatever (to buy thier product) ever actually in there or existing? lol.

Too paranoid me.....I think its all a con unless shown by the nose otherwise. :rofl:



Active member
Mar 10, 2006
The posh bit of Liverpool
Vicki! said:
i think its funny! the people that ring in are usually stupid and the 'speed round' cracks me up. personally id neva call in cos im not daft enuff and am fully aware these things are a total con but if ya hate it that much why not turn ya tv off n do summat else!!!! :p :thumbsup:

hehe its usualy on in the back ground, im far to lazy to walk from my cozy chair at my compy desk to the tv, or in range of the tv with the remote... i might miss something on here hehe :)

good point tho :p

Miss C

New member
May 18, 2003
New York
Vicki! said:
i think its funny! the people that ring in are usually stupid and the 'speed round' cracks me up. personally id neva call in cos im not daft enuff and am fully aware these things are a total con but if ya hate it that much why not turn ya tv off n do summat else!!!! :p :thumbsup:

Yeah I think its funny. That bint who presents it is so damn annoying though. Greggles is ace!!! My mate spent 35quid ringing in & never once got through haha!!

Dj Bucky

Registered Member
Dec 13, 2005
:p :p must say me and the wife watch it every night!i know very sad aint it lol,anyway they r movin to itv2 from friday nite/sat mornin,anyway someone won 25000 the other night,they do this once every week.lmao last night the smoke alarm went off,they went off for 40 mins lol.any way i rung in and wonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr nothin lmao:wave: :wave: hello ppl btw lol


Active member
Apr 4, 2002
Miss C said:
Yeah I think its funny. That bint who presents it is so damn annoying though. Greggles is ace!!! My mate spent 35quid ringing in & never once got through haha!!

That bint is pretty hot and i am sure she is a local lass but fook me she is annoying, i watched it the other day when there was nothing on and after a while she was doing my head in.

I did see some one win 25,000 though. The question was ________bar. This women rings up and says splinter bar. Its supposed to be something to do with horses but i didnt know that. Anyways she wins the jackpot lol.

I have to admit i did have a few goes at getting through but soon realised it was a massive con.


Miss C

New member
May 18, 2003
New York
RetroAndy said:
I did see some one win 25,000 though. The question was ________bar. This women rings up and says splinter bar. Its supposed to be something to do with horses but i didnt know that. Anyways she wins the jackpot lol.

Lol I saw that one, wtf right all the answers were totally random types of bar that you'd never have heard of in a squillion years!!!! I might just ring in one time & say a completely unrelated random word & probably bag the cash.

Its one of those programmes thats so cheesy & annoying that its addictive, like the Jeremy Kyle show, & deal or no deal.


Active member
Apr 4, 2002
Miss C said:
Its one of those programmes thats so cheesy & annoying that its addictive, like the Jeremy Kyle show, & deal or no deal.

Deal or no deal is ace :D i dont get chance to watch many of them with em being on at 4 but i see the saturday one when i get in and its very addictive. But its such a simple idea but makes good tele.

As for QM i wouldnt say i was addicted but you tend to watch it to see if any of your guesses are right even though had you tried to get through it wouldnt have worked lol
