Zoophilia doesn't refer to the act of sex with animals, it merely refers to the love for animals, albeit 'love' in a slightly more intense human way than the way in which you love Fido cos he brings you back the sticks you chuck.
This documentary wasn't handled in a sensationalist fashion at all, it was quite thought-provoking and sensitive. Whether you think it's acceptable or abhorrently wrong, it at least tackled the subject in a way that showed you why these people do what they do, what started them out, what makes them continue to do so, and also gave an enlightening view into how they feel about themselves because of it as well.
One of the more poignant tales was that of a girl who was locked in the cellar and fucked by her uncle. Her only companion was her dog, who she used to cuddle between her legs (that's all the documentary said). When she eventually escaped and got married, sleeping with her husband had such bad associations that she preferred the dog. I can sort of understand that.
Just to clear something up here, as the thread title isn't correct. The program title was zoophilia, not bestiality.