The film thread

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Active member
Mar 21, 2005
This is more for fans of American history Lincoln (2012) - IMDb

It's a really difficult film to follow, especially the first hour and with the drawling accents and strange use of words and sentences while debating in Congress, it adds to the difficulty of making sense of the film. It's slow paced and dull, although it does improve from midway through to the end. It would definitely help to read up on the 13th Amendment to the United States Constitution first to understand the interaction and significance of the historical characters, as that is entirely what the film is about. It's not Lincoln's life story (as i'd expected) and it's not something i'd watch again or even rate too highly, but that's because I was more bored than educated or entertained.

If I had to rate it in how interested in the film I was, i'd give it 2/10.
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Active member
Mar 21, 2005
This sounded promising Looper (2012) - IMDb so I thought i'd give it a try.

Not a bad film by any stretch of the imagination, and some well thought out scenarios, but it left me a bit flat overall with the story, which seemed to go off track. I'd give it 6.5/10 :thumbsup:


Staff member
Jun 2, 2004
Still Here
Just watched this

Life of Pi (2012) - IMDb

Really good film, gripped from the start, deffo worth a watch

**A young man who survives a disaster at sea is hurtled into an epic journey of adventure and discovery. While cast away, he forms an unexpected connection with another survivor ... a fearsome Bengal tiger.


Active member
Apr 11, 2006
Django Unchained is ace, the Impossible is doube ace :| but shocking, thought Life of Pi was a bit poor, maybe wasn't what i was expecting.

but this The Liability (2012) - IMDb is :cool::cool::cool::cool: if you like it gritty with a bit of dark humour, then give it a whirl if you like a good raw Brit flick its ace.


VIP Gold Member

"Jesteś Bogiem" 2012.
You are God

Brilliant polish documentary film about well-known hip-hop trio - Paktofonika. Wonderful actors, even better story. Not sure if it'll make same impact on non-polish wiever but it doesn't really matter. Moral of the story is just universal. Hope it'll get translated soon because i believe Poland might get famous for short while thanks to this one.
Don't do drugs kids!


Active member
Mar 21, 2005
I've seen a few films recently and some of the highlights are.....

Django Unchained. Another great film from the master, as expected. Unmissable!

Skyfall - I'm not really a fan of Bond films anymore, so it took a lot of hype to get me to watch one. Thankfully this film was great and it's probably the only Bond film I could be bothered to watch again anytime soon. The opening computerised arty sequence is stunning too.

Life Of Pi was a bit of surprise. From the trailer it looked like i'd be bored watching it, but I gave it a chance and it was actually quite good and the computer imagery was spectacular. Slightly disappointing ending though.

I once said i'd never watch this, but after looking through IMDB for something to watch recently, I was lead to A Serbian Film, then read a couple of positive reviews and thought i'd give it a shot. It's a pretty horrific subject matter and takes a strong stomach to watch this and ultimately I found myself flicking through a lot of it as I just couldn't watch it. What makes it so shocking and compelling to watch the rest of it though is that it's really well made and utterly believable, at least for that part of Europe. Think Hostel and Saw and then multiply it several times and you have probably the sickest film ever made and as I said, so sick in fact that I had turn away from a lot of the scenes as they were nastier than most of us could ever imagine. That said, because of the realism and the unique subject matter, this film deserves a much higher rating on IMDB purely for artistic merit, rather than slating it for it's horrific content. Not something i'd recommend to most then because of the subject matter, but maybe if you're a horror fan looking for a bit of realism and sickness and fancy taking a couple of steps further then watch at your discretion ......


Active member
Mar 21, 2005
I last watched this (all the way through at least) at school in the mid 80's. Threads is from an age when there was a lot of uncertainty in the world and lots of talk about World War 3 due to provocation and antagonism between the 2 big superpowers of the US and Soviet Union. It runs like a documentary drama showing people going about their daily lives in Sheffield, while they're simultaneously listening to the news reports coming in from the media about the build up in tension in Iran (sounds familiar) leading to an escalation in tit for tat force and preemptive strikes before reaching the point of no return, all out nuclear war.

That's only half the story though as it continues by following up from the war by showing the devastation of the nuclear winter and the after effects for years to come. It isn't pretty, there's no heroes or a massive budget (although the bomb scenes are still non too shabby), just the harsh reality of the life thereafter for the survivers.



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VIP Silver Member
Sep 4, 2007
over there
Watched Oz last night. Really enjoyed it, ace trippy colourful visuals and some funny bits and pretty decent storyline too :)
Detachment (2011) - IMDb

Powerful powerful stuff. Powerful, emotional, tearjerking, heartstring pulling, impotent anger forming stuff. Probably up there with Crash, you could get a fag paper between em if you had to choose which was the best ever film i have seen.
You think Don Cheadle was at his best in Crash? You just wait until you see Adrien Brody's portrayal of Mr Barthes.

We all should try to be Mr Barthes, even just a little bit, and the world wouldnt be so fucking horrible

GET ON THIS< RIGHT NOW!!!!:fekked:

Watched just now (at last). This fillum is even more important even now. Another UK director showing how them (America) is spiralling down the toilet despite it's few people left with a soul trying to make a difference at ground level thus getting fucked by a failed system :( :bigfekked ... Dark is real now


Active member
Mar 21, 2005
Into the Wild (2007) - IMDb

Based on the true story of a young man who decides to go on his own personal journey of discovery, after becoming disillusioned with the trappings of modern life, and feeling bitterness towards his parents after living through them go through an at times violent divorce.

The seeds seem to be sewn for his forthcoming journey the day of graduating college, while during dinner that night, he shuns the offer of a brand new car and all the funding he needs to get through Harvard University from his proud parents, as it isn't what he wants, it's what he thinks they want from him and this leads to some confusion as his parents seem to be guilty of wanting to help him by giving him whatever he needs to make a success of his life. He mentioned that his grades should be good enough to get him into Harvard, but it isn't really what he wants.

The next scene we see him give up his life savings (all $24000) to charity, so he can start afresh, with no safety net to fall back on. He has ideals of making his way to Alaska, spurned on by some of the great travel writers and the chance of a great adventure. He sets off in his car with a few dollars in his pocket, writes off his car then burns his remaining money and his adventure is well under way.

He meets plenty of positive people looking out for him on his journey, good friends, fun people, a lover, a father figure etc. but he's still lost, maybe driven on by an impossible dream. He seems to think he has all the answers to his life, but the sad ending suggests that maybe he was just driven on by his own selfish streak. He let his distraught parents and sister worry about him for 2 years, without so much as a phone call or a letter just to let them know he was alive and well.

There's plenty of highs and lows in the film (such is life) and some great outdoorsy scenery for the adventurous types, which is what led me onto the film in the first place, so worth watching if you love the outdoors and have 2.5hrs to kill, but it's disappointing that some of the scenes don't explain how he got some of his kit.


New member
Mar 31, 2013
This is now also the era of the greatest tv shows ever made,with shows like ,The wire,and sopranos,but the greatest show of them all i.m.h.o, has to be ,Breaking bad. It has cinematic qualities and is the most well acted, intricate, sublime piece of television you will ever see.If you have netflix ,you can watch the first 3 seasons,or stream it on ,PROJECT FREE TV, it surpasses anything being churned out at the cinemas!
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