THE Official OSA Easter Party!!!

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Active member
Rightyo pee-poles!! I have now PM'd everyone on the lists, with details of the venue, the DJ times, a map of how to get there and the usual boomph you need to know. If for some reason you havent got a PM please let me know. I will keep checking the lists for any new additions, but if you are reading this, and thinkin hell yes, i want to go to that...:king: :cool: then feel free to contact me with your details if you would prefer :thumbsup:

anything else just holler....:cool:

So come on down and lets get to it
Invite only - the way to do it
People descendin from every town
Joining together to witness the sound

Safe as f@ck and not too expensive
the atmosphere is high and intensive
Friendly faces all over the place
Movin to the rhythm and jumpin to the Bass

So don't miss out coz this is the time
As I approach the end of the rhyme
OSA in the place to be
We'll see you there - it's time to be Free!

*rap courtesy of MC Lockjaw*:cool: :thumbsup: :king:
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Well-known member
VIP Silver Member
Jul 19, 2001
Gonna try and make this now as I am off that weekend and beyond! Will probably be my last chance to meet nearly all the regulars off the board...:thumbsup:


Well-known member
VIP Gold Member
Sep 15, 2004
Put me down as I maybe please bud :thumbsup:

Wont probably know for sure what Im doin until the day :spin:


Active member
Mar 10, 2006
The posh bit of Liverpool
you making a apperance this time or just driving round manchester all night again :p

Fk off that was Down too Woody and TC not doing a site survey for mobile reception on the premises lol :D

Ive done a practice run tho, i know where i am going, if it goes pear shaped again im gonna drive the fkin car into the building in the style of the youngones in the ford anglia :D

Joker Jen

Active member
VIP Gold Member
Oct 8, 2001
Secret Location in Gotham City
Fk off that was Down too Woody and TC not doing a site survey for mobile reception on the premises lol :D:D

that must have been urs that wasn't workin cos nobody else had that prob :p:p:p

Ive done a practice run tho, i know where i am going, if it goes pear shaped again im gonna drive the fkin car into the building in the style of the youngones in the ford anglia :D

Glad to hear it, that's a novel way of gettin in thro the door & I have this feelin u might well need to use it :p


Staff member
Jul 15, 2001
my word. thats a list n a half :eek:

nice one to all the mad for it osa crew. anyone whos thinking oh i wouldnt mind going but never met anyone or owt then stick ya name down damn it.

get a couple of mates together and come and have a party. if u have ever thought god a party would be good where everyone is safe as fcuk and there are no ruffnecks and bad vibes then this is the one for u, get on it phones: