The Stone Roses 18.11.89

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New member
Mar 15, 2007
roses bootlegs

cheers for the post! My first search on the site and its a roses gig i download......great band though, great times.
I find that the tokyo bootleg from 1989 (called stand still) is actually the best quality roses bootleg (especially from the 88 - 90 era), top quality sound and recording - if you can get hold of it give it a try.....


Active member
Apr 21, 2005
Nearer Than You Think .....
cheers for the post! My first search on the site and its a roses gig i download......great band though, great times.
I find that the tokyo bootleg from 1989 (called stand still) is actually the best quality roses bootleg (especially from the 88 - 90 era), top quality sound and recording - if you can get hold of it give it a try.....

yer got that one two got about 18 diffrent bootleg one's .

leeds town & contry club 13/1/98
leeds poly 30/6/89
spike island 27/5/90
manchester int 10/5/85
hacienda 27/2/85
machester apolo 32/12/95
manchester uni 2/10/85
manchester uni 87
manchester flower show 85
blackpoll ballroom 12/8/89
alexander palce 18/11/89
leciester 95
stockholm pally 20/4/95
walsall juntion 87
wembley 29/12/95
tokyo 10/10/89
hollywood pally 29/5/95
glasgow green 9/6/90

The Stone Roses Bootleg Collecting Guide - Spike Island 1990