i hate thinking about this subject and try to avoid it at all costs before i go to bed, because otherwise i end up having a panic attack and not being able to sleep :| it just really messes with my head (strange i know :$ ) i also cant think about death, the whole we are dead forever business well that just really gets to me :| i guess im just weird the thing that really gets to me though is the fact that i will die before they invent the technology to find out what really is out there
i hate thinking about this subject and try to avoid it at all costs before i go to bed, because otherwise i end up having a panic attack and not being able to sleep :| it just really messes with my head (strange i know :$ ) i also cant think about death, the whole we are dead forever business well that just really gets to me :| i guess im just weird
the thing that really gets to me though is the fact that i will die before they invent the technology to find out what really is out there