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This is a tough one.  If you happen to agree with the notion that matter can neither be created nor destroyed, only changed from one form to another, then there is no way that the universe can ever have had a beginning.  It must have always existed and always will exist.  OK, so there was a big bang, but that might not be the only "big bang" in the universe's history, and it might not be the last.

It is a mad idea that the universe is infinate, and something that I think 99% of people find it an unbelieveably hard concept to grasp - myself included.  If you just set off in a little ship, you could go on forever.  Even if you got passed all the stars, and all the planets in our galaxy and carried on passed the billions of other galaxies, until there was nothing left to go past, you could still carry on forever.  There is no end.  That's why it's called space, and frig me, there's a lot of it!