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Cheers Doolz. ;)

Wow those piccies are beautiful!! Space is amazing....and i could sit and talk about it all day n night esp whilst  :fekked:  lol!! That website 'hubblesite' looks great, i shall be having a look around that. :)

Did anybody watch those programmes on space..called , well, Space lol it had  that actor Sam Neil presenting it, got them all on dvd, really fascinating and definalty worth looking out for if your into this stuff. :)

Just read that these super-massive black holes are between 1 million and 1 billion times bigger than the standard black hole!! :eek:

Quote   the standard black hole is a frightening enough thing. Caused by the ongoing contraction of its own matter the black hole - previously a star, now dead - becomes smaller and smaller and increasingly dense. Its gravitational pull becomes super-strong, pulling in gas from nearby stars, literally stripping them of all substance. Such is the intense pull of a black hole’s gravity that light itself cannot escape - hence its blackness. The more the black hole consumes the more massive - and therefore the more strong - it becomes. For me, black holes are the ultimate nightmare scenario. In my fevered imagination, one could drift by earth and simply relieve it of its atmosphere. That would be the end of us all.