The whole recycling thang.

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New member
Sep 6, 2003
God what a shite comeback thread!

Right, the local council has made our collections every 2 weeks instead of every week (they now do rubbish one week, recycle the next). Now we seem to just create rubbish in our home, easily nothching up a binbag every two days. My bin is usually full by the end of the first week and i have to put the other binbags in the outhouse and sneak them to the bottom of the road on collection days. The flies are driving me mad, the rubbish stinks. I did have a spare bin (the wheelie type is all we can use round here) but someone actually stole it!

I have loads of different bags to recycle, one for cardboard and papaer, one for glass, one for tims etc, but God it takes ages. And they want them all clean, so i have to wash everything out.

Plus i live with someone who has a drink problem, so it is really embarassing when my sack is overflowing with beer cans. Last time it was a windy day and all the cans and paper were all over the place, i had to trott down the road to pick then up.

Any tips please on the recycling rubbish front?


Active member
Apr 20, 2003
We have exactly the same problem, the bin men come every two weeks and inbetween come n collect a green woven bag with cans, tins, plastic..problem is is that our woven bag has gone awol and we also create aload of rubbish daily. We take all our cardboard and paper to tescos recycling bins and any extra rubbish we take to coppull tip. :) Its bloody awful though seeing rubbish outside everyones houses that has been there for about a week.


Active member
Apr 20, 2003
skippy said:
i guess that, with being in a smaller city an all, the resources aren't spread so thin perhaps?


Lol, i live in chorley which is teeny tiny, i think what they want is peeps to recycle more and more..which is a good idea, but not when you're left with rubbish outside houses for ages, coz not everyone will recycle.


New member
Aug 26, 2004
We've now got 3 bins. 1 for general waste, 1 for recycling (Tins, paper and plastic but not glass?) and 1 for garden waste.

They've also given everyone callenders to let you know what bin is getting emptied which week. We're supposed to rinse everthing out as well but bugger that!

The system we've got aint that bad apart from by the time they empty the general waste bin it has about 70 nappies in it!! :| :S :naughty:
Recycling in Dam

...over ere they have those nifty underground recycling bins everywhere.

All you see above ground is a metal plate the size of a 4person dining table and a receptacle (lord, I love that word... gonna have to say it again... receptacle!) about the size of a tv with a hole for yer bottles.

Same goes for plastic stuff and paper. However, you have to split it at home.

Amsterdam Centrum has two collections a week... but there was a strike a fortnight ago and there were some rather large piles on the streets. However, all cleared within 3 days.


Registered Member
Dec 28, 2001
I dont think thats feasable in this case, lol. Cos both members have drinking problems, one with Im guessing Beer, and the other with, Im taking a wild stab here, loads of empty bottles of a nice Australian Red vintage. lol.

We are in the same predicament here regards collection, only we dont generate as much rubbish as your house Amelie :eek: .

I think its a good idea, Im up for recycling, but the system they have going sort of ruins it, its not really organised very well, and in a nearby town they ended up sacking the whole scheme off (that cost millions no doubt), cos it was too expensive, only to have to start it up again in the last 18 months at another massive cost. lol. Thats councils for you though, take your money and squander it.

Anyway, Im still not really in the habit of it yet and tend to whang stuff in the same bin :| :axe: :naughty: . Its gonna take me years to change I reckon, lol.

Advice? well, I dunno. Crush the beer cans properly, rinse out the tins of tomato soup etc otherwise they stink to high heaven as they dont collect often enough, and fold papers and bundle them rather than just stuffing it in. lol. Oh, and perhaps buy a keg instead of 20,000 empty beer cans, and maybe invest in a another bin and do your own wine LOL. You may enjoy creating and nurturing it like a mad scientist :p .

Seriously though, be more aware of packaging youre whanging in your trolley, as in this world obsessed with vacuum packed foods that people havent seen nevermind touched, you do get manufacturers that for example put a cake in a vacuum plastic wrapping, which sits in a plastic tray with five other cakes wrapped similar, which then is encased in a cardboard tray that pulls out, which then is finally boxed in a decorative cardboard box. LOL. And when you get Melons and coconuts wrapped in plastic, you know packaging has taken things beyond the piss take stage, hahaha.

So, just watch what youre buying and do the crushing and washing shiznit and thats I can advise cos Im a fledgling myself.


Active member
Jul 9, 2002
You could take you're own stuff to a rubbish tip, and then write to the council telling them what you're doing and tell them you want a reduction in your council tax to the equivalent value of what it costs to send the bin-men round. :mad:


Active member
Oct 5, 2004
im like herpes....never quite fcuk hoff!!!
personaly i think it is a load of shite!!!!

dont get me wrong im all for the recycling but they need to get a grip on who exactly needs recycle bins in our area!

i live in a flat on my jack and ive got 4 massive recycling wheelie bins in my front garden!!! i can tell you it doesnt look good 1 bit and it can be a reet ponger in the summer.

me on my own just about churn out half a bag of rubbish a week so i just put it out on a monday in my neighbours bin wich they are cool with me doing, i dont do my garden so i dont use my green garden waste bin, ive got a paper recycle bin wich i also never i supposed to put this bin out each week with just 1 paper in it???? the blue bin wich is for glass and jars n stuff i never use either so to me havin 4 bins is a total waste of council money!!!

id quite hapily share the bins with my neighbours who have the back garden so it doesnt look so bad havin 4 bins in ur front garden.

if there was more recycling points in our areas i would quite hapily recycle my glass bottles and card n paper n stuff rather than have a shit load of multi coloured bins in ur garden

right enough families have the same ammount of bins as me and some do use em, but others cant be arsed taking them to be emptied so the bins are always overflowing.

even if they take the bins to be emptied you never get it back coz the kids nick em for goal posts!!


New member
May 13, 2002
Over the hill in St Helens
We only have the normal wheelie bin and then a black box thingy for tin cans (the peeps round the corner have all got green wheelies for garden waste? snot fair) i dont mind washing out the cans and stuff but do i get any help back? oh no our bin men are so freaking anal about there job i could throttle em. If you have any black bags that wont fit in your wheelie bin, your stuck with em, cause they will not take them unless they are in the bin (even though it is sat there at the side of the bin, its just too much to ask that they bend down and throw it in the back of the wagon) even at christmas when they havent collected for weeks, they still wont take em, (the council have been phoned and moaned at on numerous occasions!! victor meldrew in full effect again!! and as for the tin can thingy well!!!! we live in a cul-de-sac so they drive to the top collecting the boxes on one side (our side first) and then drive back down collecting the other sides. well one day they were driving to the top and they seen me putting my box out just as they were passing and because it wasnt out quick enough they just left it as they passed again!!! another swift call to the council on my part and they had to send a white van out for it!!!! i was fuming i mean they had to drive past it again, how hard would it have been to pick it up!!! :mad: bloody jobs worths, it puts you off standing there washing the frigging things out if they are gonna be knobs about it :mad:


Registered Member
Dec 28, 2001
Without making too much of a pun about recycling this thread....

What do you do with:

Polystyrene packaging from new equipment,
CD's, (are data discs recyclable plastic?)
Old Clothes,
Floppy discs and VHS tapes,
Old Toys and electronic Gadgets (remote control cars, clock radio's etc),
Old Books and Annuals from the mid 80's,
Speaker systems from the 80's (fully working but a bit tired looking),
Old Bikes and scootex's from the late 80's lol,
Old Computers from the mid 90's,

Aside from the polsytyrene packaging (which probably contains CFC's when broken/smashed up) which I dont know if its recyclable, the others are still too good to throw away and therefore extremely wasteful, yet others are too shabby for charity shops (where you cant take electrical goods anyway), and some things just arent sellable I dont think on a car boot. So what do you do with it all?. Is there any recycling schemes to handle this 'tatt', for example sending BMX's to poor countries along with clothing, shoes and trainers, old computers, books and cartoon annuals, remote control cars etc? Or wouldnt they even want any of it?.

I think I will need to gather stuff together and go to a car boot and have a dabble at flogging stuff....even if I get £1 for an old realistic mixer with a faded face plate and dicky cross fader, or 20p for the Whizzer and Chips annual 1984, or for that matter, let people just take what they want for free! lol.

I think there should be more to recycling than just cans and papers, theres so much material matter out there thats being tipped becuase everybody wants new. Perfectly good washing machines, bikes, kids toys, furniture, ornaments and books thrown in the waste dumps. But what do you do with it all, nobody wants it.

My dad has some 1950's wallnut furniture, simply stunning imo, but even the local 2nd hand furniture place wouldnt take it off our hands for even as little as 40 quid for the lot!. It was my grandma's pride and joy I think, not cheap Ikea shite, lovely furniture, but its big and designed for a big house and nobody seems to want it. Although its gonna break our hearts, we are going to have to throw it in the local tip/recycling center, its a real shame. People can buy new and in fashion stuff that cheap now, that they arent intrested in what otherwise is a fully functional and beautifully crafted piece of furniture lol. Its not old enough for antique, and not new enough for anyones tastes. :axe:

Theres a real muddle middle ground with stuff I think, where society is wastefull, but trapped in a culture that means you havent much option but to throw stuff away.

I think maybe Ebay is the answer, lol. I dunno.

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they changed all our rubbish systems too! its really hard t remember t put things in the right bin.

and i really dnt think it does cut down the amount of rubbish ya have so i think they should really collect general refuse every wk then the specialised bins every two or three.

good idea but not thought out very well in terms of kids puttin things in bins, they are not gonna be that bothered, and of us forgettin to do it.

dnt know bout u but i am not stickin my hand in a grimy bin t get out the tin can i forgot is meanta go in the other bin! :hurl:


New member
Nov 6, 2002
Theres a simple solution to not having room in your own wheelie bin, put it in next doors bin. :thumbsup:

This top tip was brought to you by .... our next door neighbour...the twat :mad:

I'm gonna shit in a tesco bag for a week soon an tie it to his bin.


New member
Jul 16, 2001
Back oop north!
I have to say that I really agree with recycling and I recyle as much as I can. When I lived in my previous place, we had a box for newspapers etc but just a narmal black bin for everyting else so I saved the bottles in a big box and took them to the bottle bank.

Now I've moved, I'm lucky that we have a black bin, a green recycling bin and a box for bottles. Plus I have a composter for the garden rubbish.

I think recycling is the way forward and even of the council in your area hasn't got their finger out yet, there's no real reason for not recycling except laziness.

I've lived in flats, houses, in house shares and all the rest of it, but I've always recycled and always will do.

I've now also planted a plum tree, some gooseberries, raspberries & strawberries in my garden so I grow my own fruit!!

At the risk of sounding a bit of a tree hugger, not recycling is damaging the ozone layer, assisting towards global warming and is costing the world millions. It's no hardship to do your bit.

I'm not saying everyone has to recycle everything like me but I'm sure there's gotta be at least a bottle bank near by and once the bottles are rinsed out, they don't smell so it doesn't matter if you don't get round to taking them for a couple of weeks.


New member
Jul 16, 2001
Back oop north!
Amelie said:
Plus i live with someone who has a drink problem, so it is really embarassing when my sack is overflowing with beer cans.

I used to live with someone who had a drink problem, when she moved out I found 53 empty bottles of vodka & Jd in her room. And that's not including the bottles of wine and vodka we drank together socially over dinner or for a night out!!!

I took the view that as long as she didn't do anything to hurt me, she was harmless. She was a bit odd but harmless no the less. Some of the OSA lot met her at my Prison Party!!!